有没有快速的方法:全部爆破,然后再次全部爆破,将建筑平面颜色所有层更改为颜色142,所有层设置为默认线宽。 到目前为止,我有这个。只需要知道如何在一个命令中添加Lisp。; Sets the color of everything in the drawing to 252 (Background Color)
; Revised 7/08/16 by Ian to include color options
(defun chng ()
(while (/= entname nil)
(setq entlist (entget entname))
(setq color (assoc 62 entlist))
(if (/= color nil)
(setq entlist (subst '(62 . 256) color entlist)))
(entmod entlist)
(setq entname (entnext entname))
(defun C:111 ()
(setq cc (getstring "Enter Client: (R=REDHAWK, Q=qwest, NA=New AT&T, OA=Old AT&T) Or type the color you want: "))
;; For VZW use 252, for Qwest use 150, for New AT&T use 9, for Old ATT use 7.
(if (= cc "R") (setq cc "6"))
(if (= cc "R") (setq cc "6"))
(if (= cc "Q") (setq cc "150"))
(if (= cc "q") (setq cc "150"))
(if (= cc "NA") (setq cc "9"))
(if (= cc "na") (setq cc "9"))
(if (= cc "OA") (setq cc "7"))
(if (= cc "oa") (setq cc "7"))
(setq entname (entnext))
(setq blk (cdr (assoc 2 (tblnext "BLOCK" T))))
(if (/= blk nil)
(setq blks (list blk))
(setq blk (cdr (assoc 2 (tblnext "BLOCK"))))
(while (/= blk nil)
(setq blks (cons blk blks))
(setq blk (cdr (assoc 2 (tblnext "BLOCK"))))
(foreach blk blks
(princ blk)
(setq entname (cdr (assoc -2 (tblsearch "BLOCK" blk))))
(command "LAYER" "C" cc "*" "")