layer created & sorted base on
Description of lispHow to make lisp include entities inside nested blocks?
; CBLAYR.LSPChange entity color to BYLAYER.;; This program sorts entities by their color, and places all entities with; the same color on a layer whose name is the color number (e.g., entities; with the color # 3 will be placed on a layer named "3").;; The entity color of all entities are changed to "BYLAYER", and the layer; inherits the color of the entities placed on it.;; Essentially, this program was written to eliminate entities with explicit; color properties, in preperation for exporting via DXF to a post-processor; that does not honor color-by-entity. Use at your own risk.(defun C:CBYLAYER ( / ss i hi clayer) (initget 7) (setq maxcolor (getint "\nHighest color number: ")) (setq i 0) (princ "\nConverting entity colors from by-entity to by-layer...") (setq hi (getvar "highlight")) (setq clayer (getvar "clayer")) (setvar "highlight" 0) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (command ".layer") (repeat maxcolor (command "make" (itoa (setq i (1+ i))) "c" i "")) (command "") (setq i 0) (repeat maxcolor (if (setq ss (ssget "x" (list (cons 62 (setq i (1+ i)))))) (command ".chprop" ss "" "la" (itoa i) "c" "bylayer" ""))) (setvar "highlight" hi) (command ".layer" "s" clayer "") (princ)) Hi Tripledot,
Study this link
You can also find some examples on Lee's site on how to acces subentities in a block , some examples are easier to understand than others (for a beginner?) but all are elegantly written.
Gr. Rlx Found answer here