我将选择一条三维多段线。(defun c:coord ( / e r)
(prompt "\nchoose a onject!")
(setq e (entget (car (entsel))))
(setq r 1)
(setq count 0)
(while r
(setq e (entget (entnext (cdr (car e)))))
(if (/= (cdr (assoc 0 e)) "SEQEND")
(princ (cdr (assoc 10 e)))
;print the co-ordinates
(setq count(1+ count))
(setq r nil)
(prompt "\nThere are total " );In here how to print "There are total (count ;number) vertexes in this object."
我表达清楚吗??我想把变量“count”放在提示符中,例如,我得到的计数等于4,我想做的是在屏幕上打印:“这个对象中总共有4个顶点。“有可能吗?谢谢。 将提示代码更改为:
(prompt (strcat "\nThere are total " (itoa count) " vertices in this object"))
(princ "\nThere are total ") (print (itoa count)) (princ " vertices in this object.")
但我通常使用BKT的例子。 查看以下MOD:
(defun c:3dCoords(/ i s e)
(if (and (setq i 0 s (car (entsel "\nPick on 3Dpolyline :")))
(member '(100 . "AcDb3dPolyline") (entget s))
(while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq e (entget (setq s (entnext s)))))) "SEQEND")
(princ (cdr (assoc 10 e)))
(setq i (1+ i))
(and (< 0 i) (princ (strcat "\nThere are total [ " (itoa i) " ] vertices in this object")))