myloveflyer 发表于 2022-7-5 17:34:54

【Help】How to mark this Drawing

How to select the straight line of rectangular box in a circle, and then round of selection mark? And straight to the point of tangency of a circle?

myloveflyer 发表于 2022-7-5 19:19:05

I provide figure yuan, there may be repeat figure actually round the periphery of the straight line box is surrounded by 4 lines, the attachment I have eliminated the repeated figure yuan, to provide the DWG graphics, on the face of all round mark

(command "qdim" (ssget '((0. "CIRCLE"))) "" (getpoint" \ n end points: "))
Able to complete, including "qdim" is the rapid annotation in CAD, but only in the following round labeling with straight line box is how to write?
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