; Attempt to type MTEXT:
; Construct list of strings, when done add "\P" between items, then entmake mtext with content of that list
; In user-speaking language: type rows for the mtext until done, then insert the mtext
(defun c:test ( / ans mtxt-list pt1)
(setq cont T)
(setq mtxt-list (list))
(initget "Finish")
; how to loop to type mtexts and pick points? (loop the loop)
(while cont ; loop to type rows
(setq ans (getstring t "\nType a row for mtext or : ")) ; ask for content of the row
( (or (and (= ans "Finish") mtxt-list ) (and (= ans "FINISH") mtxt-list ) (and (= ans "F") mtxt-list ) (and (= ans "f") mtxt-list ) ) ; check if the list is not nil
(setq cont F) ; stop loop for typing rows
(setq pt1 (getpoint "\nSpecify insertion point for the mtext:"))
(M-Text pt1 (substr (vl-princ-to-string (reverse mtxt-list)) 2 (- (strlen (vl-princ-to-string mtxt-list)) 2)) ) ; removed first and last syntax
(setq mtxt-list (cons (strcat (substr "x\P" 2) ans) mtxt-list)) ; how to add "\P" infornt each item?
(print (reverse mtxt-list))(princ (strcat ", " (itoa (length mtxt-list)) " rows."))
); t
; LM
(defun M-Text (pt str)
(cons 0 "MTEXT")
(cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
(cons 100 "AcDbMText")
(cons 10 pt)
(cons 1 str)
(cons 71 5)
我已经对部分代码进行了注释,以便您更容易理解我在那里做的事情。提前感谢! 有一些想法需要思考。
(defun c:test (/ go lst ans p)
(setq go t lst "")
(while (and go (setq ans (getstring t "\nType a row for mtext or :")))
(cond ((and (/= ans "") (eq (type ans) 'str))
(setq lst (strcat lst ans "\\P"))
((and (eq ans "")
(/= lst "")
(setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify insertion point for the mtext:"))
(entmakex (list '(0 . "MTEXT")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
'(100 . "AcDbMText")
(cons 10 (trans p 1 0))
(cons 1 lst)
'(71 . 5)
(setq go nil))
((= ans "") (setq go nil))
) 我做了一个快速的尝试,似乎奏效了,稍后我会更仔细地分析它,并尝试找出如何循环这个循环。
乍一看,我看到您将substr和vl princ跳过为字符串函数,因此将为我提供新信息。
再次感谢你,塔瓦! 祝你好运 就这么做了,把整个事情循环起来:
(defun c:test (/ go2 go lst ans p)
(setq go2 T)
(while go2
(setq go T)
(setq lst "")
(while (and go (setq ans (getstring t "\nType a row for mtext or :")))
( (and (/= ans "") (eq (type ans) 'str))
(setq lst (strcat lst ans "\\P"))
( (and (eq ans "") (/= lst "") (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify insertion point for the mtext:")))
(if (and
'(0 . "MTEXT")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
'(100 . "AcDbMText")
(cons 10 (trans p 1 0))
(cons 1 lst)
'(71 . 5)
(setq go nil)
(setq go2 T)
( (= ans "")
(setq go nil)
(setq go2 F)
); cond
); sub-while
); main while
令我印象深刻的是,你竟然想到使用假列表,在用“\\P”分隔输入的同时构造一个很长的字符串! Grr有一个帖子,添加颜色,字体风格等李和我张贴可能会有用的未来。
找到了http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?92585-帮助仅更改多行文字中数字的颜色&高亮显示=多行文字 这是一条有趣的线索,比格尔
发布在那里的解决方案(代码)似乎变得越来越复杂,并且总是有这些额外的修改请求(供个人使用)。 由于其中一个表达式等于nil,上述and函数将不会返回true。
我认为将变量设置为nil比将其设置为null符号更好。 根据Tharwats的评论,对代码进行了更正:
(defun c:test (/ go2 go lst ans p)
(setq go2 T)
(while go2
(setq go T)
(setq lst "")
(while (and go (setq ans (getstring t "\nType a row for mtext or :")))
( (and (/= ans "") (eq (type ans) 'str))
(setq lst (strcat lst ans "\\P"))
( (and (eq ans "") (/= lst "") (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify insertion point for the mtext:")))
'(0 . "MTEXT")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
'(100 . "AcDbMText")
(cons 10 (trans p 1 0))
(cons 1 lst)
'(71 . 5)
(setq go nil)
(setq go2 T)
( (= ans "")
(setq go nil)
(setq go2 nil)
); cond
); sub-while
); main while