Stuck - extracting a single la
1st post! I'm very new to all this, still at the "what are the right questions?" stage.Working with a .DWG file which contains around 60 layers but only need a few of them. How would I get these layers into a separate DWG file?
The end goal is to convert the DWG file into a shp file and then convert that into a kml file to bring it into google maps.
I have tried a few different programs but no luck so far.
Freeze all the layers except the ones you want -> Wblock to a new DWG file.
If you have a recent version of Civil 3D, you can export geometry to KML.
Otherwise, MapWorks from can handle exporting to KML, or here is another option.
Thank you! I tried all 3 methods and the only one that worked for me was downloading Civil3D 2017. Opening the dwg file and then found a youtube video that showed how to export to kml.
Only one issue left. When I open the land map kmz file, it shows up somewhere in the middle of the ocean.
When I got this file, they also gave me the following information
Projection: 10TM
Scale Factor: 0.9992
Central Meridan: 115 Degrees
Global Origins(X, Y in Metres): -500 000, 5 000 000
I'm not sure where in Civil 3D I can set this up. I know that there's a Drawing Settings tab but I'm not sure if that's what I should be looking at. Never mind, I got it working! It turns out that for Civil 3D, instead of setting the Global Origin, I had to set Offsets to 0, 0.
Thanks again for your help. Okay, glad you found a solution.