如果能在这个问题上提供任何帮助,我将不胜感激,因为我对如何获取信息完全感到困惑。 因此,在深入研究之后,我仍然感到困惑。我已经考虑过使用李·麦克的列表框例程作为解决方法(顺便说一句,这太棒了),但我觉得我仍然需要了解标签是如何工作的,以便正确使用它。 我一直在处理这个例程,因为出于某些原因,autocad中的直线和曲线标记是Civil 3D中最挑剔的方面。例如,当我使用多段命令标记直线和曲线时,大约有1/3的时间跳过一些随机数。例如,我以前做过L1、L2、L3、L5、L6、L7、L9。为了解决这个问题,我只想让用户选择L5,然后告诉用户添加或减去给定的量(在本例中减去1)。如果我能找出所有这些信息存储在哪里,我知道如何完成其余的代码。也许BigAL、Hippe013或BlackBox知道,因为我很确定他们都使用Civil 3D。 不要做Deafolt直线和曲线标签说很多,所以不能帮助。 I have continued to mess around with this routine because for some reasons the line and curve tags in autocad are the most finicky aspect of Civil 3D. For example, when I label line and curve using the multiple segment command, about 1/3 of the time it skips some random number. For example, I have had it do L1, L2, L3, L5, L6, L7, L9 before. To fix this glitch, I wanted to just allow the user to select L5, and then tell to either add or subtract a given amount (in this instance subtract 1). I know how to do the rest of the code if I can figure out where all this information is stored. Maybe BigAL, Hippe013, or BlackBox know because I am pretty sure they all use Civil 3D. Dont do the deafult line and curve labelling say for lots so can not help.