My filter group don't wan
Hi, all! Do you know why my filters groups that have been created didn't want to called back from "+LAYER" item sub menu by cursor visual clickable. How can do I should not need to type them anymore each do of my act ?It said:
Invalid layer filter name.
Please, need help soon! all responce. Will be glad and appreciate ... Are your Filters shown in the Layer Properties Manager?How many Filters are in the Layer Properties Manager? No, no at all. Just bad notice in command line like I mean an above. Only about 6 or 7 filters tombu. Is it look okey? or this is what be causes it. No problem using it here.Do those Filters work in the Layer Properties Manager? Can you attach a blank drawing with those Filters in it? Oh.. hayaa! I just remember that if I indeed create them with VLISP it's defun to MLY by Lee Mac on others forum. Here it is, the file what you want and I also attached the VLISP too for sample hope can help ease the burden of the investigation.
(defun sdg_CreateLayerFilter (filtlst /lfiltobj safecode safefilt) (vl-load-com) (setq LFILTOBJ (vla-addobject (vla-GetExtensionDictionary (vla-Get-Layers (vla-Get-ActiveDocument (vlax-Get-Acad-Object) ) ) ) "ACAD_LAYERFILTERS" "AcDbDictionary" ) SAFECODE (vlax-make-safearray 2 '(0 . 6)) SAFEFILT (vlax-make-safearray 12 '(0 . 6)) ) (vlax-safearray-fill SAFECODE (list 1 1 1 1 70 1 1)) (foreach SUBLST FILTLST (vlax-safearray-fill SAFEFILT (mapcar '(lambda (X) (vlax-make-variant X ) SUBLST) ) (vla-addxrecord LFILTOBJ (nth 0 SUBLST)) (vla-setxrecorddata (vla-item LFILTOBJ (nth 0 SUBLST)) SAFECODE SAFEFILT ) ) (prin1))(defun MakeLayer ( name colour linetype lineweight willplot bitflag description );; © Lee Mac 2010(or (tblsearch "LAYER" name)(entmake(append(list(cons 0 "LAYER")(cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")(cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord")(cons 2 name)(cons 70 bitflag)(cons 290 (if willplot 1 0))(cons 6(if (and linetype (tblsearch "LTYPE" linetype))linetype "CONTINUOUS"))(cons 62 (if (and colour (< 0 (abs colour) 256)) colour 7))(cons 370(if (minusp lineweight) -3(fix(* 100(if (and lineweight ( +LAYER does not work here on your drawing or mine when I select the Filter It says: Invalid layer filter name.
I've used this in the past, but it's been a while.Don't know what's wrong? ahhmm.. tombu Are you doing this with type it all or at the a sub menu you do click it by your pointer of mouse ???How you do that and get it works to you why in my do is always failed ???
The user will receive an error stating "Invalid layer filter name" after using the +LAYER command and selecting the layer filter name.
To avoid this behaviour, type in the full name of the layer filter.This will open the Layer Properties Manager palette with the corresponding layer state active.
This worked for me.Actually that's the way I used it before in a macro. So we can't use it by clickable by our mouse.. Alright I'd forgot Don't looking to know?
the only way to call back a filter group directly to it. Just type in a full name of the filter group right?am I correct?
Macro??? How??? could you tell me tombu if you don't mind to tell program it with macro.. Someone has posted about this, I don't know it was right or not??
(defun c:SFLG ()(command "_.layer" "_filter" "_set" "Outdoor" "_exit" "")(princ))
#I hope you understand about my language knowledge that has lacking more then less and Thanks in advance.