; Example input: 0011 0012 0033... 00XX
; split 0011 to 00 and 11 (the first and 2nd character are separated from 3rd and 4th)
; store 00 value and calculate 11 value (first and 2nd character is stored, and 3rd with 4rth are used for calculations)
; list is constructed with the calculation values
; sum the total of the calculation values in the while loop
; when loop is exited display the grand total of calculation values
(defun C:test (/ lst calc-val-list )
(setq lst '( 0 ))
(setq get-val (getstring t "\nInput value: ")) ; example 0011
(setq code-val (strcat (substr get-val 1 2 ))) ; stored 00
(setq calc-val (strcat (substr get-val 3 2 ))) ; stored 11 string
(setq calc-val-num (strcat (rtos (atof calc-val) 2 5) )) ; stored 11 number
(princ (strcat "\nCode-val: " code-val " " )) ; display 00 for check
(princ (strcat "\nCalc-val: " calc-val-num " " )) ; display 11 number for check
(setq calc-val-list (append '(calc-val-num) lst)) ; constructs a list with the stored values (calc-val-num) ; <---- problem here?
(princ (strcat "\nCalc-val-list: " calc-val-list " " )) ; this doesn't print, problem?, cannot check
(setq grand-total(apply '+ (calc-val-list)) ) ; sums the items in the list ; <---- problem here?
(princ (strcat "\nGrand-total: " grand-total " " )) ; this doesn't print, problem?, cannot check
(setq calc-val-list (append '(calc-val-num) lst)) ; constructs a list with the stored values (calc-val-num) ; <---- problem here?
(princ (strcat "\nCalc-val-list: " calc-val-list " " )) ; this doesn't print, problem?, cannot check 你好
变量calc val num既不能像函数一样使用,也不能作为符号使用,因此请尝试以下方法:;
(setq grand-total(apply '+ (calc-val-list)) ) ; sums the items in the list ; <---- problem here?
(princ (strcat "\nGrand-total: " grand-total " " )) ; this doesn't print, problem?, cannot check 我没有阅读完整的例程,从第一次遇到你有其他问题,所以这必须是一个完整的遵循你的用户输入指令;
(setq calc-val-list (append '(calc-val-num) lst)) 谢谢你的帮助,大卫和塔瓦!
重新定义列表,查看它为“calc val list”返回的内容:
(setq calc-val-list (append (list calc-val-num) lst))
(setq calc-val-list (append (list calc-val-num) lst))
(princ (strcat "\nCalc-val-list: " (vl-princ-to-string calc-val-list) " "))
) ;; end of While
(setq grand-total (apply '+ (mapcar '(lambda (n) (if (= (type n) 'STR) (atoi n) n)) calc-val-list)))
(princ (strcat "\nGrand-total: " (itoa grand-total) " "))
(setq calc-val-list (append (list calc-val-num) lst))
在这种情况下,它应该显示总计33。 这就是你想要的吗?
8 没错,李!
非常感谢! 不客气-如果有任何问题,请随时提问。