Deby Ferdian 发表于 2022-7-5 18:38:49

YES.. It just happen because of you.. Thank you so much @tombu! it turns out all this time I just do not know how it works! You are my hero! and friends the other...
But how to insert or given an aliases command as what I've try on the attach file that I give an above to looking for the solution before these.. I was try assigned "EW & WQ" as a "'result & 'result;0". What do you say ?

tombu 发表于 2022-7-5 18:39:48

I'm not sure getting any transparent command to work using an aliases the way you want is possible.You can add it to the CUI though.
One of 13 Macros in Select menu from my CUIX file:
Name = Added by Previous Commands
Macro = 'Result
You've got me thinking about the routine though.When I get time I'm going to try replacing the prompt with a getkword to give me the option to use my mouse.I'll reply here if I do.

Deby Ferdian 发表于 2022-7-5 18:44:33

Yeah..! and I am sorry it's my mistake. I think so mean same as you are though too.. Yes, the onto CUIX I mean exactly right! and I assigned the combine keys too likes; "CTRL+SHIFT+F as a 'Result" and "CTRL+R as a 'Result;0"
Oke, @tombu! thank you for your appreciation and have give hard attention to me. Hehe..! ^_^"   Thx again and I'll be wait..

Deby Ferdian 发表于 2022-7-5 18:51:08

Now.. I got it. I did! because I have been sucessfully to create it intoCUI but there is a one problem I have now. Could it these do with "SELECT" directly than it after a link of history selections are seen in an one action to process together by CUI and/or "'result" of command line ???

tombu 发表于 2022-7-5 18:55:22

For Deby or anyone interested I added a modified version of selresult.lsp by Irné Barnard to

Deby Ferdian 发表于 2022-7-5 18:57:44

It was very remarkable @tombu! that's what since I mean from the yesterday's. Just that a little bit I have too hard to say that. Because of my language knowledge is what makes me stops there in nowhere in sometimes.. It was very unexpected buildup @tombu! you're one step ahead of my mind..
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