(defun c:test (/ bname key grr ip lastpt ent)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(not (or (eq "" (setq bname (getstring t "\nBlock to Insert: "))) (tblsearch "BLOCK" bname)))
(princ "\nBlock not found.")
(while ;exit on ENTER or picked point
(cond ;;=====================================================
((eq 2 (car (setq grr (grread t 7 0)))) ; keyboard input
(setq key (cadr grr))
(cond ;;-------------------------------------------
((= key 13) ; ENTER- where done here
(and ent (entdel ent))
(princ "\nUser Quit.")
nil ; exit loop
((member (chr key) '("H" "h")) ; Word entry'Help'
;(Display_Help) ; your alert box routine
t ; stay in loop
((member (chr key) '("I" "i")) ; Insert with OSNAP
(vl-cmdf "_.move" ent "" "_non" lastpt)
(while (= (logand (getvar "cmdactive") 1) 1) (command pause))
nil ; stay in loop
((member (chr key) '("L" "l")) ; Left or CCW
(vl-cmdf "_.rotate" ent "" "_non" ip 90.0)
t ; stay in loop
((member (chr key) '("R" "r")) ; Right or CW
(vl-cmdf "_.rotate" ent "" "_non" ip -90.0)
t ; stay in loop
((member (chr key) '("B" "b")) ; Basepoint
(vl-cmdf "_.move" ent "" "_non" (getpoint "\nPick New Basepoint: ") "_non" ip)
t ; stay in loop
((princ "\nInvalid Keypress.") (princ (strcat msg str)))
) ; end cond
((eq 3 (car grr)) ; point picked, make final star
(setq ip (cadr grr))
nil ; exit
((eq 5 (car grr)) ; point from mouse, update object
(setq ip (cadr grr))
(if (null lastpt) ; first time through
(progn (setq lastpt ip)
(vl-cmdf "_.-insert" bname "_S" 1.0 "_R" 0.0 "_non" ip)
(setq ent (entlast))
(if (> (distance ip lastpt) 0.00001)
(vl-cmdf "_.move" ent "" "_non" lastpt "_non" ip)
(setq lastpt ip)
) ; end cond
) ; while