(defun C:test ( / )
(setvar 'errno 0)
(setq ent (entsel "\nPick object to filter by its Layer"))
(if (= (getvar 'errno) 7)
(progn (princ "\nMissed.. Try again!")
(setq layername (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (car ent))))) ;<-LayerName
(if (= layername nil)
(setq layername 256)
(princ (strcat "\nLayername to filter \"" layername "\" " ))
(princ "\nSelect objects to filter and press enter OR press enter right away to filter all: \n")
(if (not (setq sset (ssget (list (cons 8 layername)))))
(setq sset (ssget "_X" (list (cons 8 layername) (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)))))
(sssetfirst sset sset)
(princ (strcat "\nSelected " (itoa (sslength sset)) " objects on layer \"" layername "\" "))
要知道的另一件好事是,单独使用ssadd(setq selectionset(ssadd))将创建一个空的选择集,您可以向其中添加实体(同样,使用前面描述的相同方法)。
(defun c:IsThereASelectionMadeAlready ( / VariableThatWillContainTheSelectionSetIfThereWereObjectsPreviouslySelected)
(if (setq VariableThatWillContainTheSelectionSetIfThereWereObjectsPreviouslySelected (ssget "_I"))
(alert "A selection was already made when this lisp was launched!")
(alert "No objects are selected yet!"))
这里有很多问题。右键单击(或输入)而不是进行选择将导致errno 52,(错误的参数类型:lentyp nil)。除此之外,它不仅仅重新启动命令,而是递归地重新启动它。让我们以图形化的方式来表达
(setq ent (entsel "\nPick object to filter by its Layer"))
(if (= (getvar 'errno) 7)
(progn (princ "\nMissed.. Try again!")
(defun c:randomcommand ()
(conditionnally execute command A)
(execute command B)
(execute command C)
(defun c:A ()
(conditionnally execute command A)
(execute command B)
(execute command C)
在开始时,在将隐含选择存储到变量中后,我取消了它(在代码中注释为“required”),因为引用M.Lee Mac注意,默认情况下,如果PICKFIRST=1,ssget将尊重隐含选择。,这意味着如果您使用(ssget(list(cons 8“0”)),它将要求进行选择。如果您使用它时选中了第1、2和3层上的内容,它将删除选择并提示您进行另一个选择。。。但是,如果您使用它时选择了层0 1和层2上的内容,它将不会提示用户进行选择,而是使用已经进行的选择,并删除层0以外的所有内容。
尽管如此,我认为你还没有收到任何回复的另一个原因是,我个人认为这是一个典型的X-Y问题。你有一个问题X。由于Y是你认为最合适的解决方案(使用隐含选择并将其与将要进行的任何其他选择合并),你询问Y时没有谈论问题X。我们不知道你到底需要/正在尝试实现什么(我的感觉是,你想做一个全局选择,然后一个接一个地选择东西,让嘴唇做出/返回一个选择,选择到目前为止与所选对象在同一层上的所有东西,在原始全局选择中。如果我对你试图实现的感觉是错误的,那么很可能我在“错误的方向”上浪费了一些时间. 如果我对你想要实现的感觉是对的,那么大多数情况下。。。我也在“错误的方向”上浪费了一些时间。我不会使用隐含选择并连续多次运行lisp例程,而是使用while语句来实现相同的结果,只运行一次命令。我提供的代码可能可以完成这项工作,但事实上,如果出于任何原因,在启动命令时,您有一个非自愿的手动选择(甚至可能在屏幕之外),您将得到奇怪和不想要的结果(甚至可能不知道原因)。。。这是我的2美分,我认为你正在努力实现。迷你rant#2以上
干杯 Jef!,你的回复是我收到的最好的回复!
实际上,这个例程是我的更大的(selecion filter例程)的一小部分,所以它的信息将是这样的(我希望每个人都在学分中感到高兴):
(defun c:test ( / SelectedFirst ent layername sset sspos e)
;Jef! 2016-02-25
(setvar 'errno 0)
(if (setq SelectedFirst (ssget "_I"))
(sssetfirst nil nil);required
(while (not (and (setq ent (car(entsel "\nSelect an object of the required layer: ")))
(setq layername (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ent))))
( (= 52 (getvar 'errno))
(princ "\nYou must select an object.")
( (null ent)
(princ "\nYou missed, try again.")
(princ (strcat "\nLayername to filter \"" layername "\" " ))
(princ "\nSelect objects to filter and press enter OR press enter right away to filter all: \n")
(if (not (setq sset (ssget (list (cons 8 layername)))))
(setq sset (ssget "_X" (list (cons 8 layername) (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)))))
(if SelectedFirst
(setq sspos (sslength SelectedFirst))
(while (setq e (ssname SelectedFirst (setq sspos (1- sspos))))
(ssadd e sset)
(sssetfirst nil sset)
(vla-Regen (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) acActiveViewport)
谢谢你,杰夫! 您好,Grrr。
也许我的措辞选择不是最好的(英语是我的第二语言)。。。Addind“他们的许多例子,关于代码的不同部分”没有说哪部分来自谁。假设有人想使用你最终代码的一部分,谁制作了那个特定的部分?这并不是说我太过火了,比如说我用jeff sanders教程学会了如何制作“if”函数,我不会每次用“if”时都感谢jeff。如果我使用某个人编写的函数,我会保留作者的原始标题。其他的例子,有一天我请求帮助,我做了一个很小的函数(5行),速度很慢。我把它贴在这里,有人帮我把速度提高了50倍。在defun上方的标题中,我添加了该评论
;; 感谢克林特(cwake)帮助优化
有时以前,我做了一个(找不到它,bravo microsoft on win7 content:x search不工作),我处理对象的方式是由某人输入的,所以我添加了
;灵感来自peter jamtgaard wathever函数(来源:w.xxx)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Routine Information ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ;
; Author: Grrr ;
; Credits to: Lee Mac, Tharwat - I had(and took) many examples from them, about different parts of the code ;
; AlanJT, CAB - They made the first filter routines of this kind, I took that idea and decided to develop it ;
; Jef! - He gave me the best examples, for storing the Implied selection - which is a big deal, and the selection options (window sel or sel all) ;
; ;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Routine Information ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ;
; Author: Grrr ;
; Credits to: Lee Mac, Tharwat - I had(and took) many examples from them, about different parts of the code ;
; AlanJT, CAB - They made the first filter routines of this kind, I took that idea and decided to develop it ;
; Jef! - He gave me the best examples, for storing the Implied selection - which is a big deal, and the selection options (window sel or sel all) ;
; ;
(ssget "_x"
(-4 . "<OR")
(-4 . "<AND") (0 . "CIRCLE")(8 . "0") (-4 . "AND>")
(-4 . "<AND") (0 . "CIRCLE")(8 . "1") (-4 . "AND>")
(-4 . "<AND") (0 . "CIRCLE")(8 . "2") (-4 . "AND>")
(-4 . "<AND") (0 . "LINE") (8 . "0") (-4 . "AND>")
(-4 . "<AND") (0 . "LINE") (8 . "1") (-4 . "AND>")
(-4 . "<AND") (0 . "LINE") (8 . "2") (-4 . "AND>")
(-4 . "OR>")
如果不是通过拾取来制作ssget,而是使用类似qselect菜单的菜单来制作ssget,那么可以更快地制作,甚至可以将ssget字符串存储在本地,制作一个“最喜欢的”ssget字符串列表(选择过滤器堆栈),立即选择,而不是每次都重写它们。现在它可能开始听起来很有趣了,对吗?让我向您介绍与上述2个ssget done with filter命令相同的结果http://s7.postimg.org/mcu1mwzkb/sel_set_filter.png
干杯 Hi, Jef!
Sorry for late reply
Well, about the credits stuff, maybe I'll shorten them - I just want to make everyone happy in there.
I don't see any english/wording mistakes from you - so no need to apologize (by the way english is my 2nd (or 3rd) language aswell)
Thank you for the tutorial (actually I'm not that familiar with FILTER command, but I know about QSELECT)
Do you think the examples you showed will work with dynamic block's names also?
I have tested with QSELECT (for example combine some objects on layer, some other objects, and a block by name), but I haven't succeeded.
I'm not sure how faster and easier would be with FILTER to do this, but I'll learn more about this command.
The reason I want the routine to "read" for the first picked entity's LAYER/TYPE/etc.. because I find it faster and easier.
Also sometimes I have to correct some exported drawings from programs like REVIT so I end up with a bunch of layers and blocks (and I think it will be slower to organize those filters in FILTER)
Well I could answer with re-running the routine S times, until statisfied with the(stacked) global selection.
However, I'll check for the alternate solutions you gave me.
But my developed theory about working faster in autocad is to:
avoid populating and using such (alert)menus,
avoid typing strings in the routine
Simply to say the fastest way would be by "picking" objects (for example like MATCHPROP command is structured).
How I can get offended when providing so much help and information?
Cheers! Hi again!
As your routine is right now, it asks for the "global selection to apply the filter you chose will apply to, then add it to the cumulative filtered selection. One thing I think might be more efficient would be to prompt for the global selection only once, unless you really need different global selections for each added filter. Using a while statement instead of inplied selection could have simplified things. Relaunching the command can look at the implied selection, but only allow 1 implied selection to be used. Using a while statement instead, since you would be running the command only once, you could then reuse the global selection to which apply the next filter, or redefine it only if you need to, instead of systematically having to query the user again and again to maybe indicate the same global selection time after time.
mmm. maybe yes maybe no. That is an example of where a different approach might be required, depending on what you are trying to filter. Dynamic blocks are special. When you have a dynamic block, it has a "default state" (the one you see in the block editor. You can also use the "resetblock" command on any dynamic block to reset it, but you would of course "loose" any information that could be given by its state.) If you use lets say (ssget (list (cons 8 "0"))). If dynamic blocks are on layer 0, they will be in the selection set. The thing would not work the same way if you would want to grab all the dynamic blocks of the same name. Why? LEts say I have a dynamic block called "title". If I (entget(car(entsel))) it on its default state, i get that Now, if I alter it dynamically, and entget it again, here's what I getIt is now an anonymous block. The assoc 2 of a block is its name. If you would ssget every block having the same name as a dynamic block at its default state, you would only retrieve all other occurences of the block that currently are on their default state as well. If you would ssget every block having the same name as a dynamic block that is NOT at its default state, you would always end up with a selection of 1 (the original selection) as every anonymous block has a different number. And you don'T see anything to identify them if you entget them...
If you use (dumpAllProperties (car(entsel))) on a dyn block, you see that blocks have a IsDynamicBlock property. That is, I think, the only thing you can do with them using lisp. The only way to find these blocks would be by Visual-Lisp, which has some more properties and methods you can use for dynamic blocks. If you (vlax-dump-object (vlax-ename->vla-object(car(entsel)))) on a dynamic block, you can see..
Command: (vlax-dump-object (vlax-ename->vla-object(car(entsel))))Select object: ; IAcadBlockReference: AutoCAD Block Reference Interface; Property values:; Application (RO) = #; Document (RO) = #; EffectiveName (RO) = "TITLE" Hi again Jef! , sorry for my late reply
Well I agree about that, the problem is I'm not that skilled yet.
I am aware of the method you described about geting the dynamic's block effective name,
infact I've already assembled (took from Lee Mac's and Tharwat's codes) a routine that works in the same way (using selections only):
(defun C:FilterByBlockname ( / sel blkname blk );(princ "\nFunction Filter By Blockname is runned!" ) (vl-load-com)(if (setq CLIPROMPTLINES-old (getvar "CLIPROMPTLINES" )) (setvar "CLIPROMPTLINES" 4)) (setvar 'errno 0) (prompt "\nSelect source block to filter by its EffectiveName" ) (if (and (setq sel (ssget "_:S:E" '((0 . "INSERT")))) (setq blkname (LM:al-effectivename (ssname sel 0))) ; Hi GRrr
Your skill level is beside the point. Implied selection were beyond what you had learned so far, yet you asked about them. (My question is if I have pre-selected objects, how do I add them to my new filtered selection (sset) ?) The problem is that you just asked about what you thought was the best solution without giving us any clear hints that it was just a wild guess. Different goal also quite often means different path... tell us your destination. Add what is the best path you think of if you can, and maybe we will prevent going into unessarly detours (and dead ends).
Caricature of XY problem
-I want to learn to pilot an helicopter
-Ok, come, i'll show you.
(few months later)
-Thanks! Now that I know how to pilot the helicopter, tell me how to get to the moon.
You seem like a good learner, I have faith!
I'm not sure which modifications you are talking about, and yes i can sometimes be hard to read and understand someone elses code... but it can be a great way to learn. Trying to literally evaluate and solve it 1 expression at a time. I used to add alerts everywhere in codes. alerts pause the execution, and you can use them to monitor some variables, and know exactly what line of the code is executed. Vlide can also help, with animation of step by step, and possibility to monitors variables and expressions.
Not using (command "regen") if my feeling is right...
Avoiding any commands whenever possible, they always are the slowest way to go). Also regen-ing only a viewport is always faster then the whole document. You're welcome!
Seriously, i'm no god, just an alien with a keyboard, walking in somebody else's footsteps I appreciate the thought, and i'm glad I could help you.