few beginner's question
Hi everybodyI have few question about AutoLISP.
before that, I would like to write few lines about my AutoCAD-related skills.
I can use 2D CAD almost perfectly and I know some basic features of 3D. I know how to use excel or simply note pad to create lines of texts containing CAD command and use it in AutoCAD. but I don't know LISP at all.
these are my questions:
1- As far as I know there is a unlimited works can be done by LISP, so I am wondering why there is not any complete website that provides and offers LISP programs! (I mean both free website and online AutoLISP shop)
2- I live in Iran and I want to know about using LISP prog in west countries. I want to know how you western people use this AutoCAD feature!
3- how much time it takes for me to learn this programming language?
Thank you
1. https://apps.autodesk.com/en
2. http://www.cadtutor.net/
3. the rest of your life , depending on your I/Q and motivation , but simple routines you can start with right away.
gr. Rlx
Thank you for you quick answer, but I didnt get the second answer!
Could you please clear yourself a little bit.
Hi honestbud,
You want to know how we use this lisp feature , well then , look no further because unless I'm missing something thats exactly the pupose of this site :-) And if you want to get started learning , check Lee's site but there are many more. Just begin with some simple examples , the world famous "Hello World" and from there work your way up by playing with little changes to existing routines. There is plenty of stuff to be found on this site but you have to do your homework , when you have a question , try the search function from this site first.
gr. Rlx My example a manual task around 20 minutes, using a lisp less than 1 minute to do same thing. If you do the same thing over and over then lisp can help, personally about 30 years of lisp. I totally subscribe BIGAL, I had some programming experience on c# previously to lisp (nothing professional). I've started lisping 2 weeks ago and the first results were so good that I'm always looking for more steps to improve my lisping (Which is still very simple). If your job/degree requires autocad drawing, lisp is for you like hotel california is for the eagles, once you start you will never stop, lisp will daunt you for the rest of your life.
Well What I would like to know is why use LISP if you can program in C#
My short answer would be elegancy (if I speak for myself). You can write a lisp program that reads like a book , was about to say a poem but don't think my wife would agree to that ;-). Downside (lisp) is efficiency , upside is time needed to have a working app and learning curve.
Gr. Rlx
Thank you for your respond.
I want to know the practical usage of LISP, I mean how much a civil engineering or architectural company in western countries uses LISP?
Do you have any knowledge and experience about that?
Thank you, I already know that. I want to know, companies how and in what extend use it?