2D and 3D Software
Good Evening!Hi, ActCAD is based on IntelliCAD 8.4a and 3D ACIS Technology. It is a 2D Drafting and 3D Modeling CAD software.All codes and technology used are 100% genuine and legal. ActCAD costs only a fraction of the cost compared to other Professional Grade CAD Software available in the market.ActCAD licenses are Globally valid and Self-License Transfer is possible from one computer to another with no limitation. Giving best technical support with free of cost.
Click on the download link you can see our software and use 15 days trial. No Best 2D & 3D CAD Software in 2019 Best software in 2020 - Go to https://actcad.pl web site. It's nice to see some genuine, unbiased software reviews
Pass this along to your marketing team: A 15 day trial is absolutely not enough time to assess the viability of a software program. Rhino3d's popularity is partly due to their generous 90-day free trial. Most software packages offer 30 day free trials (even that's not enough time, but reasonable at least). BricsCAD is 30 days but they might extend that a month (to 60 days). Remember that the people trying out the software have other priorities. They will likely be testing the software in the evenings after their 8 hour work days. The free trial holder often takes on a role of a temporary 'beta tester', so even if the trial is 'free', I think the trial license holder is doing the developer a favour. With most 'not AutoCAD' programs, felt like I was doing a lot of the work that should have been done by beta testers. To summarize: increase your free trial's length.
Pro-tip: Don't have developers dictate your program's marketing strategies/direction. You need feedback from people who do actual production work to help assess the value of a given software package.