Combining two LISP Routines -
Hi everyone,I have a drawing with a ton of leaders and text received from an outside source. I need to change the drawing orientation to a different rotation. By doing this all the text is obviously rotated to a different orientation.
I am trying to take all the leaders and text and combine them into mleaders, I can do this using LeaderToMleader.lsp and it works great. What I am trying to add to it is a another LISP that then rotates the mtext based on the snap angle. This LISP also works, but what I really want to do is combine the two.
As of now I have to run one then the other. Ideally I would like to combine them into one LISP. I have tried many different things but not matter what I do I always end up with an error stating too many arguments.
Can anyone help? The LISPs are below...
;;; CADALYST 08/ ;;; Tip 2305: LeaderToMleader.lsp Leader to Multileader (c) 2008 Lyle Hardin ;;; Pick an old style leader and text to create a new mleader entity and erase the old leader and text.;;; March/2008(defun c:leadertomleader () (setq leader (entsel "\nPick Leader") ; pick leaderleader2 (entget (car leader))pt1 (dxf 10 leader2) ; get first point of leaderlayer (dxf 8 leader2) ; get layer of leadermtext (entsel "\nPick Text") ; pick textmtext2 (entget (car mtext))pt2 (dxf 10 mtext2) ; get point of texttext (dxf 1 mtext2) ; get) ; setq(command "-layer" "s" layer "") ; set layer of leader picked to current (command "mleader" pt1 pt2 text) ; start mleader command (COMMAND "ERASE" mtext "") ; erase text picked (command "erase" leader "") ; erase leader picked) ; defun(defun dxf(code elist) ; define dxf function (cdr (assoc code elist)) ;Finds the association pair, strips 1st element);defun
(defun c:MLRO (/ ss ang i sset)(vl-load-com)(defun *error*()(setvar "nomutt" 0) ) (if (and(progn (setvar "nomutt" 1) (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "MULTILEADER")))) (setvar "nomutt" 0) (princ))(setq ang (getvar "snapang")) ) (repeat (setq i (sslength ss)) (setq sset (ssname ss (setq i (1- i)))) (vla-put-TextRotation (vlax-ename->vla-object sset) ang) ) (princ) ) (princ)) No one huh?I am really stumped on this one, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance... I would just add the L filter with ssget and then put the code after your create the multileader. Ie: (setq ss (ssget "_L")) instead of
(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "MULTILEADER)))) So I did your suggestion and it seems to be working. I swear I tried that already, very strange. But thank you very much!! No worries, I'm glad I could help.