Simplifying - Polylines
Guys,I am trying to find a quick way to reduce / simplify polylines. I have tried a lot of different lisp's but have not found one that can do arcs that well. I know I can always retrace it, but when there is ALOT; its a pain.
Thanks for any ideas on this! How about Simplify objects in Map? You could use OVERKILL in AutoCAD or WEEDFEATURES in Civil 3D. If you're looking to make closed polylines out of those for regions, I'd reccomend either OVERKILL or BOUND Civil 3D --> Mapclean Interesting... I never saw this command before. Cool. Could I ask what cleaning actions would you recommend on something like this? Try 'Polyline Diet' by Kent Cooper.Works with both heavy and LWpolylines.
I would go with Simplify Objects, and select Create Arcs. You will have to play with the Tolerance valve to weed the vertices.The help file is explains the command nicely.
Some lisp files on this thread might also be of help. Thank you for finding this! Hopefully this will get me closer to the result I am looking for.