Set plot configuration
Hi guys,I'm plotting many files and everytime when I open a file I have to set plot configuration.
I'd like to set a plot configuration as default.
Name: HP Color LaserJet 500
Paper size: A4
Plot offset: Center the plot
Plot scale: FIT to paper
Number of copies: 2
Thank in advande
Make a pagesetup in a template and import it into the drawing on open using the following code.
(defun _importpagesetups (template)
(vla-get-plotconfigurations (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(setvar 'filedia 0)
(if (findfile template)
(progn (vl-cmdf ".-psetupin" template "*") (princ "\n >"))
(princ "\n >")
(setvar 'filedia 1)
;; (_importpagesetups "C:\\temp\\mytemplate.dwt)
Create a named page setup in your drawing template, either at drawing open, or on command, import your named page setup (either via ODBX, or PSETUPIN Command), and use this to set as active for all applicable Layouts.
(foreach layoutname (layoutlist)
(vla-SetActivePageSetup layoutname )
- D@mn ninja's fast.
here's a cached version of the linked post above. Named page set-ups can be imported into the layouts from other files.
They can be temporarily applied for plotting using publisher.
They can also be applied using Project Navigator.
You're soooo going to see the new TMNT movie; aren't you? Thank for the quick replay guys,
Sorry but I can't doing that.
When I imported the pagesetup of my template, the number of copies continue 1 but I set 2 copies.
My current drawing is already set the plot area in windows and I'd like to keep it.
When I open my file, I have to set plotter name, number of copies and center the plot. Have you tried the "previous" under the pagesetup?This will remember your settings from the previous plot during an open session of the application and set them current for the current plot.
You're soooo going to see the new TMNT movie; aren't you?
Am I that obvious?
Yes, but the number of copies still 1 and I'd like to set for 2 copies.
You're soooo going to see the new TMNT movie; aren't you?
Am I that obvious?
... It takes one to know one.