TemporaryCAD 发表于 2022-8-26 04:25:24


根据我的另一个线程,您应该能够从 DCL 文件生成密钥列表。我今天下午开始工作,我很困惑。我收到一个非常特殊的错误:在(读取文件)命令上关闭了流。我的意图是让文件成为一个全局变量 fe,它始终是打开的。         
(defun readline (fe)(setq curline nextline      nextline (read-line fe)      lineindex (+ lineindex 1)))让我们看看这个函数在哪里被调用:
(defun find (str fe / entry) ;Returns next instance of string str in a line of the document.(while (and (not(= (getline) nil)) (= (wcmatch (getline) str) nil))      (readline fe)         )(princ (getline)))(defun findnext (str fe / entry) ;Returns next instance of string str in a line of the document.Excludes current line.(readline fe)(while (and (not(= (getline) nil)) (= (wcmatch (getline) str) nil))      (readline fe)         )(princ (getline)))(defun skipto (indexno fe) ;Takes index no > 0, sets pointer to that line of document.(repeat (- indexno (getindex))   (readline fe)   ))如果没有明确的 fe,这些都不应被调用。我们来看看代码中唯一的地方(close)被调用:
(defun startinstance (/)(if (/= fe nil)    (close fe))(setq fe (open fileloc "r")      nextline (read-line fe)      lineindex 0)(readline fe)(princ fe))该文件应关闭,然后立即重新打开。readline 函数仅在明确定义 fe 时调用。
这是完整的 lisp:
(defun find (str fe / entry) ;Returns next instance of string str in a line of the document.(while (and (not(= (getline) nil)) (= (wcmatch (getline) str) nil))      (readline fe)         )(princ (getline)))(defun findnext (str fe / entry) ;Returns next instance of string str in a line of the document.Excludes current line.(readline fe)(while (and (not(= (getline) nil)) (= (wcmatch (getline) str) nil))      (readline fe)         )(princ (getline)))(defun skipto (indexno fe) ;Takes index no > 0, sets pointer to that line of document.(repeat (- indexno (getindex))   (readline fe)   ))(defun maintain()(setq prevpov (getindex)))(defun return()(startinstance)(skipto prevpov fe))(defun c:getfile ()(setq fileloc (findfile (getfiled "Select a .txt file:" "" "txt" 8))))(defun startinstance (/)(if (/= fe nil)    (close fe))(setq fe (open fileloc "r")      nextline (read-line fe)      lineindex 0)(readline fe)(princ fe))(defun getline ()(princ curline))(defun getnext ()(princ nextline))(defun getindex ()(princ lineindex))(defun readline (fe)(setq curline nextline      nextline (read-line fe)      lineindex (+ lineindex 1)))(defun startparse (instance searchlst / toplevel p1)(setq outputlst (list ))(while (/= (getnext) nil)    (setq outputlst (append outputlst (list (find (nth 0 searchlst) instance))))    (setq p1 (getindex))    (findnext (nth 0 searchlst) instance)    (setq toplevel (getindex))    (setq outputlst (append outputlst (list (recurseparse (startinstance) (cdr searchlst) p1 (getindex) ))))    (skipto toplevel instance)))(defun recurseparse (instance searchlst startbound endbound/ storage p1 outputlist)(setq outputlist (list))(skipto startbound instance)(setq tempval (find (nth 0 searchlst) instance))(setq outputlist (append outputlist (list tempval)))(if (/= searchlst nil)    (if (/= tempval nil)      (while (< (getindex) endbound)      (setq p1 (getindex))      (findnext (nth 0 searchlst) instance)      (setq storage (getindex))      (setq outputlist (append outputlist (list (recurseparse (startinstance) (cdr searchlst) p1 (getindex) ))))      (skipto storage instance)      ;append to list      )    ))(princ outputlist)) 它仍然是一个WIP,但最终目标是获取以下形式的列表列表(dialog1 (row 1 (key1 key2...) row2 (key1 key2....))dialog2 (row 1 (key1 key2. ..) row2 (key1 key2....))...)。
要运行代码,请在 autocad 中运行 GETFILE,选择您保存为 TXT 文件的 DCL 文件,然后输入:
(startparse (startinstance) (list "*: dialog*" "*key*=*"))在命令行中。这应该从您选择的 DCL 中将全局变量“outputlst”设置为 (dialog (key...) dialog (key...)...) 形式的列表。希望有大佬帮帮我啊,谢谢了
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 文件被关闭,不知道什么原因。