AIberto 发表于 2022-7-5 18:25:14

"layerstate-save" can't

Hi all
I use

(layerstate-save "layer_color" nil nil)
save the layer state.
next, I change the layer color
(layerstate-save "layer_color" nil nil) again.
(layerstate-restore "layer_color" nil nil)
I found
"layerstate-save" can'toverwrite the layer state.

tombu 发表于 2022-7-5 18:59:40

I would simply use the Layer States Manager.You could check to see if it's a member of (layerstate-getnames) or just use (layerstate-delete "layer_color") before (layerstate-save "layer_color" nil nil)

AIberto 发表于 2022-7-5 19:28:03

Thank you tombu.
I used (layerstate-delete "layer_color") before (layerstate-save "layer_color" nil nil),   Just only do this.
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