Plotting X, Y, Z & Contours
Dear Sir,I have a data x. y. z coordinate in *.xls format; want to plot in AutoCad as a point, & then genrate contours. please help how to do it.
Dhananjay. Easiest way would to make a script. Take your excel file and change it to a .csv then change the extension to .scr open it as a text file and change it a little bit so it ends up looking like this:
point 0,0,0
point 1,1,1
point 2,2,2
2,2,2 Then of course typing "scr" at the command line and choosing it from your file location. Also, I never used this, but Lee-Mac has a program for this as well. Here
Thanks for the recommendation CB - the OP will need to save his XLS to a CSV first Most important part guys Autocad can not create contours ! There is no option in plain Autocad.
You do though have lots of choices, Autocad CIV3D bring in points as csv and then contour, use a 3rd party product, search here using"CONTOURS" pretty sure YMG3 can help with a contour routine.
Found it Thank you for the recommendation BIGAL.
For getting the points Lee's program will do it for csv.
Jeffrey Sanders has one for xls file IMPORTXYZ.html
For contours, you will need first to triangulate your points, then generate the contours.
Here is a link to the last revision of my program:TriangV6.4.0.lsp
With it, once your point have been imported on screen, you issue command TIN and a DCL will appear
to let you do the triangulation and contours.
ymg When i reach your link ,how can i download your lisp TriangV6.4.0.lsp ?
You will need membership at The Swamp in order to view & download attachments. smileforrest,
Latest published version would be Triang V0.6.5.1.lsp at TheSwamp.
This version has depression contour processing added.
As Lee stated, you need to register there in order to download.