SWEEP-> MOde->SUrface
SWEEP-> MOde->SUrface In my code I need set SWEEP command to Surface mode.But I could not find any system variable to set this.
Please can you show me how to write lisp code to set this. The system variable is SURFACEMODELINGMODE.
Ignore this advice.See post #4.
Even the above system variable set to 1 or 0 it generate solid SWEEP.
And even I set SWEEP-> MOde-> SUrface or SWEEP-> MOde-> SOlid
it does not change SURFACEMODELINGMODE value. Maybe I missed something in the Help file. As a matter of fact I did.The variable is used to produce a procedural surface (set to 0) or a NURBS surface (set to 1).
Wouldn't a simple lisp routine that invokes the SWEEP command and sets the option MOde to SUrface suffice for what you are doing?
(defun c:sur ()
(command "SWEEP" "MO" "SU")
) (command "SWEEP" "MO" "SU")
Yes it works. Thanks for the advice.