Hi tombu. Took me a while to digest what you wrote
I may misinterpret you but here goes:
This blocks originate from xref.Because of similar or part of the similar unit profile at various floors xref is used to reduce amending the same thing at multiple floors. Nobody wants to amend the same unit 120 times (& that is just 1 unit profile)
Each floor will have a mix of unit profile, meaning having multiple xref units.
BUT because not a full profile of the each unit (each xref) is required, xclip is used to clip them out.
Due to xclip being use, there various xref need to be stacked in a particular order.
Also these are existing drawing.
When preparing for submission , the drawings are binded.Thereby it comes blocks.
Next. Ordinarily, we just have to insert the older drawing (after change to yellow hidden linetype ) as a whole. BUT because of the multiple xclip blocks STACKED IN A SPECIFIC ORDER, I cannot insert the older drawing as a whole.If I do that then the blocks with xlips will coverup the older drawing & they cannot be seen.
Therefore I need a LISP to insert/merge the items of the old drawing to the new base on "inserting" into its own individual blocks, based on their block names
I hope this explains it. Just trying to come up with a procedure to do what you're asking for.
By renaming and modifying the layer "FURNITURE" is on in each drawing you can have "FURNITURE" display however you want. The only modification that may be needed would be to set all object properties in each "FURNITURE" block to bylayer on layer 0.
Does that sound like what you're looking for?If not could you describe the procedure a little more?Could you attach as small as possible "A" & "B" drawings so we can see what you are trying to do?Hard to imagine combining a chair block & a table block working without seeing the drawings.The chair would have to be placed in reference to the table. Does the table really have only one chair?
Did my previous post above explain the rational & purpose?
Anyway to summaries:-
- there is no furniture. There are no tables or chairs in my drawing. The example I gave is only an example
- merging of blocks is between the 2 same drawings but at different dates. (This is to To reflect the changes)
- both drawings share the same layering names & there are over 100 layers names depending on the element.
NOT on the blocks.
Hope that is a better description. Unfortunately I am not able to attached a dwg as it would reveal my work.