Easier way of doing this - Whi
Basically, while running my program I need to find out which segment of a polyline my point is on. I am using grread and vlax-curve-getclosestpointto to get my point.My idea was to find the equation of the points in each segment and find out if that point lies on the line to identify which line segment, but I feel like there is an easier way. Hi,
The segment of the polyline would be between the two param numbers p1 and p2.
(setq p1 (fix (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj pt)) p2 (1+ p1) ) Thanks Thwart! I knew it was something simple. You should've payed more concern about writing my name correctly as best as I did when I gave you that "simple" thing as you have called it.
My apologies, Tharwat, for the misspelling of your name. It happens to me all the time, so I should have used more caution.
As far as you being offended by my use of the word "simple": I should have used the terms "straight forward" or "less complicated" than what I was attempting to do, but I didn't realize you would take offence to it. No offense to the use of the word simple but you gave a bad meaning word in lieu of my name . Thwart does not have to be a bad thing. You can thwart evil plans.
What does your name mean? Is it an actual last name or is there something deeper behind it?
Again, I apologize for the changing of your name, especially after you saved me quite a bit of work.