Move, scale and rotate images
Hi,I've been given a lot of old scanned images like this:
I need to place all these rasters according to their x and y coordinates. I draw 2 points at opposite corners and move, scale and rotate the image. But this takes much time for many images. Is there anything I can use to help me out with this?
Thanks Can you give a real example showing BEFORE and AFTER and what are the needed steps to be taken from the user ? Because they are raster images, you have to do them one at a time. There are no entities that you can use Osnaps on.
The North sign looks like the one used by SoftDesk. Steps I take for the image I attached above:
- I make a point with x=-343000 y=-49700
- move image so that the lower left grid intersection snaps to the point
- make another point x=-342800 y=-49500
- scale and rotate image so upper right grid intersection in the image matches the location of the second point I need something to make the process a bit faster, like clicking on two grid intersections on image, then typing in the x and y which I want the clicks to match on the model space. Have you tried to use the command Align? That might do what you want in fewer clicks.
But you will still have to zoom in to see the accurate intersection of the grid lines.
You're right! I never used align before. It's just what I needed.
Thanks guys