i dont want it to show the nummer behind the dot ie: 123456.00 i just need the first row of numbers without the .00 part. anyone know how i can "demolish" this ?
also the text height is 267 (thats waaay to big) can anyone adjust this for me or tell me how ofcourse
thanx in advance. Hey Fuqua,
To covert a real number or an integer to a string the function RTOS is used. RTOS takes 3 argument (rtos number mode precision)
In your case you need to change the precision.
For example
(rtos pi 2 2) returns "3.14"
(rtos pi 2 0) returns "3"
The part of the code that needs to be updated is
(Make_Text (polar pt ang (* i Spc)) (rtos sNum* 2 2)) sweet thank you ! that did the trick
im having 1 more little problem, the justify is on center and left, i just need it to be left. As far as i can see there is no line in the lisp for this, can i add this to it ? i have found this tool to change the justification of m and dtext i believe, but it is to much for me, all i need is 1 line to add to the autocounter tool to set the justify at left.
; ***JUSTIFY.LSP***;; Changes the justification of text to:-; Left, Center, Right, Aligned, Middle, Fit,; Bottom left, center or right,; Middle left, center or right, OR; Top left, center of right;(defun C:JUSTIFY (/ a a1 a2 a3 a4 t m n n1 p1 p q j j0 n2 j1 j2 q1 index dummy) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (graphscr) (prompt "\n *Select text to change justification...")(terpri) (setq t (ssget)) (if $just (setq dummy nil) (setq $just "C") ) (prompt "\n *Enter appropriate letter or select from pull down menu...") (initget "L C R A M F BL BC BR ML MC MR TL TC TR") (setq j1 (getkword (strcat "\n *L/C/R/M/A/F/BL/BC/BR/ML/MC/MR/TL/TC/TR:"))) (if (= j1 "") (setq j1 $just) (setq $just j1) ) (setq m (sslength t) index 0) (repeat m (setq a (entget (ssname t index)) p (cdr (assoc 0 a))) (if (= p "TEXT") (progn (setq j (assoc 72 a) j2 (assoc 73 a) p (assoc 10 a) q (assoc 11 a) j0 (cdr j)) (if (or (= j1 "L")(= j1 "C")(= j1 "R")(= j1 "M") (= j1 "BL")(= j1 "BC")(= j1 "BR") (= j1 "ML")(= j1 "MC")(= j1 "MR") (= j1 "TL")(= j1 "TC")(= j1 "TR")) (if (= j0 0) (progn (setq p1 (cdr p) q1 (cons (car q) p1) n1 (subst q1 q a)) ) (progn (setq q1 (cdr q) p1 (cons (car p) q1) n1 (subst p1 p a)) ) ) ) (if (or (= j1 "A")(= j1 "F")) (progn (prompt "\n ") (prin1 (+ index 1)) (setq a1 (getpoint "\nEnter first alignment point...") a2 (getpoint "\nEnter second alignment point...") a3 (cons (car p) a1) a4 (cons (car q) a2) n1 (subst a3 p a) n2 (subst a4 q n1)) ) ) (cond ((= j1 "L")(setq n (subst '(72 . 0) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 0) j2 n))) ((= j1 "C")(setq n (subst '(72 . 1) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 0) j2 n))) ((= j1 "R")(setq n (subst '(72 . 2) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 0) j2 n))) ((= j1 "A")(setq n (subst '(72 . 3) j n2)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 0) j2 n))) ((= j1 "M")(setq n (subst '(72 . 4) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 0) j2 n))) ((= j1 "F")(setq n (subst '(72 . 5) j n2)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 0) j2 n))) ((= j1 "BL") (setq n (subst '(72 . 0) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 1) j2 n))) ((= j1 "BC") (setq n (subst '(72 . 1) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 1) j2 n))) ((= j1 "BR") (setq n (subst '(72 . 2) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 1) j2 n))) ((= j1 "ML") (setq n (subst '(72 . 0) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 2) j2 n))) ((= j1 "MC") (setq n (subst '(72 . 1) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 2) j2 n))) ((= j1 "MR") (setq n (subst '(72 . 2) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 2) j2 n))) ((= j1 "TL") (setq n (subst '(72 . 0) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 3) j2 n))) ((= j1 "TC") (setq n (subst '(72 . 1) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 3) j2 n))) ((= j1 "TR") (setq n (subst '(72 . 2) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 3) j2 n))) ) (entmod n) ) ) (setq index (+ index 1)) ) (prin1) (princ " Changed ") ; Print total lines changed (princ index) (princ " text lines.") (terpri) (princ)) nevermind i figured it out myself
this piece of code gave the justify codes for a positions
(cond ((= j1 "L")(setq n (subst '(72 . 0) j n1)) (setq n (subst '(73 . 0) j2 n)))
so i looked up in the auto count tool for something similar and found this
(cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) '(71 . 0) '(72 . 1) '(73 . 2)
i changed this to
(cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) '(71 . 0) '(72 . 0) '(73 . 0)
and i got me justify on bottom left
i hope this piece of info helps others, cheers all. Nice one Jammie. I will hopefully be updating this routine in due course. readded
(defun c:num(/ tmpVars pt ang sNum*) (setq dVars '(sNum eNum inNum Spc Pref Suff tsize Dir)) (mapcar '(lambda (x y) (or (boundp x) (set x y))) dVars '(1 10 1 1 "" "" 2.5 "X")) (setq tmpVars (list (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Starting Number : ")) (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Ending Number : ")) (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Increment : ")) (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Spacing : ")) (if (=(setq tmppref (getstring (strcat "\nSpecify Prefix : "))) "") Pref tmppref) (if (=(setq tmpsuff (getstring (strcat "\nSpecify Suffix : "))) "") Suff tmpsuff) (if (not(setq tmptsize (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Textsize : ")))) tsize tmptsize) )) (initget "X Y") (setq tmpVars (append tmpVars (list (getkword (strcat "\nSpecify Direction : "))))) (mapcar '(lambda (x y) (or (not x) (set y x))) tmpVars dVars) (if (eq Dir "X") (setq ang 0) (setq ang (/ pi 2))) (if (setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify Start Point: ") i 0 sNum* sNum) (while ( This works great... One question though... What would I type in the prefix and suffix if I want it to be blank? Another question.... How would I get the numbers, in the vertical Y form, to go from 1 to whatever, from top to bottom rather than bottom to top, as it is doing now?