任何Lisp GURU“Mleader区域
(defun C:hatchAREA (/ a ss n du)(setq a 0
du (getvar "dimunit")
ss (ssget '((0 . "*HATCH"))))
(if ss
(setq n (1- (sslength ss)))
(while (>= n 0)
(command "_.area" "_o" (ssname ss n))
(setq a (+ a (getvar "area"))
n (1- n)))
(strcat "The total area of the selected\nobject(s) is "
(if (or (= du 3)(= du 4)(= du 6))
;The following 2 lines translate the area to square inches and feet
;for users using US engineering or architectural units:
(strcat (rtos a 2 2) " square inches,\nor "
(rtos (/ a 144.0) 2 3) " square feet.")
;In the following line, change the word "units" to whatever units
;you are using - meters, millimeters, feet, etc.
(strcat (rtos a 2 3) " square units.")))))
(alert "\nNo Polylines selected!"))
(strcat "POLYAREA.LSP(c) 1997-2001 Tee Square Graphics"
"\n\n Type POLYAREA to start"))
您好,有没有人可以帮我从TEE Square Graphics的lisp中更改代码。