SSGET - syntax for select enti
Hello everyone,I want to select only polylines in the layer "VP" in a region.
Is it possibile using ssget?
I've tried with:
(ssget "_C" pnt_A pnt_B '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE") (-4 . "=") (8 . "VP"))) but it doesn't work :/ (i get a nil)
Any idea?
Thanks, Dennis Do the variables pnt_A and pnt_B representing correct coordinates ?
Then remove the (-4 . "=") from the codes and try again . You're right, remove (-4 . "=") do the trick!
I've read about (-4 . ...) here but maybe it's not for this type of argument..
Thanks. man ) You are welcome
When you need any information about any function and while you are in Visual Lisp editor , just press ctrl+F1 then write the name of the function to get the help document opened and direct you to the required function , or just highlight the function and press ctrl+F1 .
Good Luck . You may want to look into "WP" this is a window option but require a predefined point list.
(-4 . "=") is a Relational Operator, only for use with with group codes containing integer or real values - please refer to Note 1 on my page.