My apologies, the (setq i (1+ i)) should have been (setq i (1- i)) - please try the updated code above. Well that was exactly it. No need for an excuse. Your taking your own time to answer to my questions.
Many thanks! You're welcome Frank, happy to help. Hi again,
I've been looking all day on how to activate a Edit_box when you select a radio button.
I think I need some guidence...
Anyone In the action_tile statement for the radio_button, include:
(mode_tile "your-edit-box-key" 2)
(defun c:test ( / i id lst )(setq lst '( ("rb1" "- Choisir -" " Mètre" " Kilomètre" " Pied" " Pouce") ("rb2" "- Choisir -" " Kilomètre carrée" " Mètre carrée" " Pied carrée" " Pouce carrée") ("rb3" "- Choisir -" " Kilomètre cube" " Mètre cube" " Pied cube" " Pouce cube") ("rb4" "- Choisir -" " Kilogramme" " Gramme" " Tonne" " Livre") ("rb5" "- Choisir -" " Kilonewton" " Newton" " Kilolivre force" " Livre force") ("rb6" "- Choisir -" " Kilonewton par mètre carrée" " Newton par mètre carrée" " Kilolivre par pied carrée" " Livre par pied carrée") ("rb7" "- Choisir -" " Kilonewton mètre" " Newton mètre" " Kilolivre force pied" " Livre force pied") ) );setq (if (and (< 0 (setq id (load_dialog "test.dcl"))) (new_dialog "Convertisseur" id));and (progn(repeat (setq i 7)(action_tile (strcat "rb" (itoa i)) (strcat "(addlist \"list_1\" (cdr (assoc $key lst)))" "(addlist \"list_2\" (cdr (assoc $key lst)))" "(mode_tile \"Edit_1\" 0)" )) ;action_tile(setq i (1- i))) ;repeat(action_tile"Edit_1"(strcat "(setq Val1 (get_tile \"Edit_1\"))" "(setq Unit1 (get_tile \"list_1\"))" "(setq Unit2 (get_tile \"list_2\"))" "(set_tile \"Edit_2\" (CalVal Val1 Val2))" "(mode_tile \"Edit_2\" 0)" "(mode_tile \"Edit_2\" 2)" ) ;strcat) ;action_tile (start_dialog) ) ; progn );if (if (< 0 id) (unload_dialog id)) (princ) )(defun addlist ( key lst ) (start_list key) (foreach x lst (add_list x)) (end_list) lst)
I tried it like this to :
(if (= (get_tile (strcat "rb" (itoa i)) "1") "1") (progn(mode_tile "Edit_1" 2)) )
Not sure but i think i'm close Ok so I've found the way to make it so it work. I've modified my code above to what I have now.
But I have more questions. Since I'm new to DCL.
I want my Edit_1 to send a new value to my Edit_2
How should I proceed I tried a few thing. But it won't work.
It's all about the Set_tile and Action_tile. What should I do!
Here's the DCL file : TEST.dcl
Unfortunately your modification is wrong .
You will not see the changes unless you make any action in the dialog box to allow the action tile to run .
(action_tile "Edit_1" "(set_tile \"Edit_2\" (get_tile \"Edit_1\"))")
Thanks for the help, In the end I found it but my code was longuer hehe!
Now I need to make Edit_2 work with Popup_list 1 and 2.
I think ill need help, ill let you know later when my head is about to explode
Cheers ! Hi again,
I need help with the popup_list.
Need to communicate "Edit_1" to "Edit_2" conditionnelly from the values of "list_1" and "list_2".
I found out how to make them communicate but linking them to the popup_list if more complicated then I though.
So I'm asking for help again.
I've modified my code above to what it is now.
Thank you !