现在只需更改块名和2.8,即c-c距离。 是你需要的吗
https://apps.exchange.autodesk.com/ACD/en/Detail/Index?id=appstore.exchange.autodesk.com:rotationblocksattributesonpolylinev2_windows32and64:en 比加尔,
谢谢 检查dvb文件的路径,我必须编辑上面的行,因为我在发布时更改了它。如果目录名中有空格,请尝试类似p:\\my vba\\access-rev2的操作。dvb。
否则只需执行vbaman并加载access-rev2,然后您就可以执行(vl vbarun“draw\u vehicle”)
如果单击Access-rev2,然后选择Visual basic编辑器,它将显示代码,车轮之间的间距为3.05。请参见下面的rde,将其更改为间距并重新创建块保持架。
Sub draw_vehicle()
Dim CAR As String
Dim arcobj As AcadArc
Dim oPoly As AcadEntity
Dim blkobj As AcadEntity
Dim retVal As Variant
Dim snapPt As Variant
Dim oCoords As Variant
Dim blpnt1() As Variant
ReDim blpnt1(100)
Dim blpnt2() As Variant
ReDim blpnt2(100)
Dim vertPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double
Dim newPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim iCnt, w, x, y, z As Integer
Dim cRad, interval, blkangle As Double
Dim circObj As AcadCircle
Dim lineObj As AcadLine
On Error GoTo Something_Wrong
If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
Set Thisspace = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
Else: Set Thisspace = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace
End If
For Each Item In ThisDrawing.Blocks
If Item.Name = "holden" Then GoTo continue_on
Next Item
' insert holden block
InsertBlock "p:\Autodesk\vba\holdencar.dwg", 0
w = 1
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oPoly, snapPt, vbCr & "Select polyline :"
If oPoly.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then
oCoords = oPoly.Coordinates
Else: MsgBox "This object is not a polyline! Please do again"
Exit Sub
End If
interval = CDbl(InputBox("Enter interval:", , 1#))
If interval < 1 Then
interval = 1
End If
For iCnt = 0 To UBound(oCoords) - 2 Step 2
Pt1(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt1(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt1(2) = 0#
newPt(0) = Pt1(0)
newPt(1) = Pt1(1)
newPt(2) = 0#
iCnt = iCnt + 2
Pt2(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt2(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt2(2) = 0#
x = (Pt1(0) - Pt2(0)) / interval
y = (Pt1(1) - Pt2(1)) / interval
'reset back 2 values
iCnt = iCnt - 2
cRad = 3.05
startang = 4.71239
endang = 1.570796
For z = 1 To interval
vertPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
vertPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
vertPt(2) = 0#
'blpnt1(w) = vertPt
'Set arcobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddArc(vertPt, cRad, endang, startang)
Set arcobj = Thisspace.AddArc(vertPt, cRad, endang, startang)
retval2 = arcobj.IntersectWith(oPoly, acExtendOtherEntity)
Set arcobj = Nothing
blkangle = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(retval2, vertPt)
'Set blkobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(vertPt, CAR, 1#, 1#, 1#, blkangle)
Set blkobj = Thisspace.InsertBlock(vertPt, CAR, 1#, 1#, 1#, blkangle)
Set blkobj = Nothing
w = w + 1
newPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
newPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
Next z
Next iCnt
GoTo Exit_out
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub