Mr.Tharwat , My code can change hatchspace & hatchscale , I can see it from property. But hatch can't update. why ?
Can you upload a sample drawing ? Have a look at the following PROGRAM that I have written not a long time ago , and you can modify it to suit your needs .
Thanks ,Mr Tharwat. a good routine!
I thinkmy CAD version is too low,
You are welcome
What does that affect with the program ?
Because I use CAD2013, can be used normally
Whatever the Autocad version you are using , the program should work
Did you try the program ?
Mr. Tharwat , your routine and this function can't use for cad2007 , can't upload . in cad2013 ,No problem.
(defun ZMH_Change_Hatch_Scale() (setq i -1) (while (setq s1 (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i)))) (vla-put-PatternScale (vlax-ename->vla-object s1) (rtos bl 2 3)) );while (setvar "hpscale" hpsc) (princ (strcat "\nModify Scale:"))) I am sorry , I don't have ACad 2007 installed on my Lap to check the program with .
Did you receive any message on running or loading ?
it doesn't matter , no receive any message .