HELP:LISP to delete all text,
I came across LISP routine to remove dimension & hatches but not text & leader lines.Anyone with such a routine to delete all text & leaders (including within blocks & nested block)
sorry if im not quite understand
normally we use to filter selections, ss
then erase, example TEXT , MTEXT
(defun c:TEST1 ( / ss) ; TEXT& MTEXT(setq ss (ssget "_X"'((0 . "*TEXT")))) ;_ end of setq(command "_erase" ss)(princ))
ie: a bit study some method ssget here,
then you can mod yourself
example: filter leader &associated Mtext
can try replace the (setq ss ...) to above code in c:TEST1
(setq ss (ssget "_:L" (list '(-4 . "")) ;_ end of list ) ;_ end of ssget ) ;_ end of setq
;example delete entity (without filtering ssget)
TEXT, MTEXT, DIMENSION, etc.. (which dxf index 1)
(defun c:test2 ( / ss)(if(setq ss (ssget "_X" ))(foreach en(vl-remove-if ''((x) (not(cdr (assoc 1 (entget x)))))(acet-ss-to-list ss)) ; express tool(if en (entdel en))(princ)) ));p/s: this method is not good practice, just an alternative reference;filter by ssget is the best practice
for nested try similar thread
HTH Hi HT. WIll reply in detail when i am back from vacation.
Thanks Basically i am looking for something similar to this for text & leader lines.
Below is what i found for hatch & dimension
(defun c:DIMDEL ( / d l ) (setq d (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (vlax-for a (vla-get-layers d) (if (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-lock a)) (progn (vla-put-lock a :vlax-false) (setq l (cons a l)) ) ) ) (vlax-for b (vla-get-blocks d) (if (eq :vlax-false (vla-get-isxref b)) (vlax-for o b (if (wcmatch (vla-get-objectname o) "AcDb*Dimension*") (vla-delete o) ) ) ) ) (foreach a l (vla-put-lock a :vlax-true)) (vla-regen d acallviewports) (princ))---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(defun C:HatchDel ()(delete-all-hatch))(defun delete-all-hatch (/ adoc *error*)(defun *error* (msg) (setvar "MODEMACRO" "") (princ msg) (vla-regen aDOC acactiveviewport) (bg:progress-clear) (bg:layer-status-restore) (princ) ) ;_ end of defun (defun _loc-delete-items () (if (= (vla-get-IsXref Blk) :vlax-false) (progn (setq count 0) (if (> (vla-get-count Blk) 100) (bg:progress-init (strcat (vla-get-name Blk) " :") (vla-get-count Blk) ) ;_ end of bg:progress-init (progn (setvar "MODEMACRO" (vla-get-name Blk)) ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if (vlax-for Obj Blk (if (= (vla-get-ObjectName Obj) "AcDbHatch") (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-delete (list Obj)) ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of vlax-for (bg:progress-clear) ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of defun (setq aDOC (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) ;_ end of setq (bg:layer-status-save) (vlax-for Blk (vla-get-Blocks aDOC) (_loc-delete-items) ) (bg:layer-status-restore) (vla-regen aDOC acActiveViewport) (princ)) ;_ end of defun(defun bg:layer-status-restore () (foreach item *BG_LAYER_LST* (if (not (vlax-erased-p (car item))) (vl-catch-all-apply '(lambda () (vla-put-lock (car item) (cdr (assoc "lock" (cdr item)))) (vla-put-freeze (car item) (cdr (assoc "freeze" (cdr item)))) ) ;_ end of lambda ) ;_ end of vl-catch-all-apply ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of foreach (setq *BG_LAYER_LST* nil) ) ;_ end of defun (defun bg:layer-status-save () (setq *BG_LAYER_LST* nil) (vlax-for item (vla-get-layers (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (setq *BG_LAYER_LST* (cons (list item (cons "freeze" (vla-get-freeze item)) (cons "lock" (vla-get-lock item)) ) ;_ end of cons *BG_LAYER_LST* ) ;_ end of cons ) ;_ end of setq (vla-put-lock item :vlax-false) (if (= (vla-get-freeze item) :vlax-true) (vl-catch-all-apply '(lambda () (vla-put-freeze item :vlax-false)))) ) ;_ end of vlax-for ) ;_ end of defun(defun bg:progress-init (msg maxlen) ;;; msg - ñîîáùåíèå èëè ïóñòàÿ ñòðîêà ;;; maxlen - ìàêñèìàëüíîå êîëè÷åñòâî (setq *BG:PROGRESS:OM* (getvar "MODEMACRO")) (setq *BG:PROGRESS:MSG* (vl-princ-to-string msg)) (setq *BG:PROGRESS:MAXLEN* maxlen) (setq *BG:PROGRESS:LPS* '-1)(princ) )(defun bg:progress ( currvalue / persent str1 count) (if *BG:PROGRESS:MAXLEN* (progn (setq persent (fix (/ currvalue 0.01 *BG:PROGRESS:MAXLEN*))) ;;;Êàæäûå 5 % (setq count (fix(* persent 0.2))) (setq str1 "") (if (/= count *BG:PROGRESS:LPS*) (progn ;;(setq str1 "") (repeat persent (setq str1 (strcat str1 "|"))) ) ) ;;; currvalue - òåêóùåå çíà÷åíèå (setvar "MODEMACRO" (strcat (vl-princ-to-string *BG:PROGRESS:MSG*) " " (itoa persent) " % " str1 ) ) (setq *BG:PROGRESS:LPS* persent) ) ) ) (defun bg:progress-clear () (setq *BG:PROGRESS:MSG* nil) (setq *BG:PROGRESS:MAXLEN* nil) (setq *BG:PROGRESS:LPS* nil) (setvar "MODEMACRO" (vl-princ-to-string *BG:PROGRESS:OM*)) ;;;(vla-regen (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) acactiveviewport) (princ) )
(defun c:DIMDEL ( / d l )......(if (wcmatch (vla-get-objectname o) "AcDb*Dimension*")...)
Try replace it, just by filtering objectname
a bit study basic & practise, you get benefited
"AcDb*Leader*" ; leader ,mleaderor"AcDb*Text*" ; Text, Mtext
It worked bro! to combine leader,text & dimension together?So that it can run in 1 command.
I tried combining the above code with different variation but ended with error.
it's ok you can post error code here, members in forum will assist you.
how did you combine?
so i just assume your error was due to not separated with commas
hahs ya. I did not include comma among other variations i tried.
Thanks dude