Problem with lisp routine - co
I have this routine which I found on this or an other forum.(defun ctc ( text / htmlfile result ) (vl-load-com) ;;Caller's sole responsibility is to pass a ;;text string. Anything else? Pie in face. ;;Attribution: Reformatted version of ;;post by XShrimp at ;; ;;See (setq result (vlax-invoke (vlax-get (vlax-get (setq htmlfile (vlax-create-object "htmlfile")) 'ParentWindow ) 'ClipBoardData ) 'SetData "Text" text ) ) (vlax-release-object htmlfile) text)
It basically copies a string into the clipboard. However I just updated to windows 8.1 64bit and it doesn't work. I tried it at work too and it doesn't work on windows 7 64 bit either. Any ideas why or how to resolve the issue?
Any other routine that works for someone in windows 8.1 64 bit?
Thank you sorry i'm not using Win8 x64,
i just try to translate your
XSrimp's code to vb script, then invoke the tmp.vbs see whether working?
(defun c:test (/ scr f tmp)(setq f (open (setq tmp (strcat (getvar "TEMPPREFIX") "tmp.vbs")) "w")) (foreach $ '("Set htmlfile = CreateObject(\"htmlfile\") " "Text = htmlfile.ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData(\"text\")" "MsgBox Text" ) ;_ end of setq (write-line $ f) ) ;_ end of foreach (close f) (setq scr (vlax-create-object "")) (vlax-invoke scr 'run (strcat "cscript " tmp)) (vlax-release-object scr) (startapp "notepad" tmp) ) ;_ end of defun
This another test whether clipboard text can be retrieve?
(defun get_cb ( / scr txt) ; (setq scr (vlax-create-object "ScriptControl")) (vlax-put scr 'language "vbs") (vlax-invoke-method scr 'ExecuteStatement "Set htmlfile = CreateObject(\"htmlfile\")Text = htmlfile.ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData(\"text\")") (setq txt (vlax-invoke-method scr 'eval "Text")) (vlax-release-object scr) txt ) ;_ end of defun
after evaluate the code try this,
(initially make sure you get something "text" copied)
(alert (get_cb)) ;
if none of this help, then you need to refer MSDN support or other VB expert