BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-5 23:08:49

I must have changed the code at some stage its a few years old it was written for a specific purpose but I dont use it now. The file_ref is the name of a txt file which contains the slide names you could just create a list (setq Pts_lst '(dwg1 dwg2 dwg3 dwg4)) and remove the un-necessary code to read a file. It was done that way so it could be given to someone else who put their own slide names in the text file and not have to fiddle with code.

ODEY 发表于 2022-7-5 23:13:51

ahh, i see.
i just got back to work after 3-day holiday. anyway, thank you so much, i'll be needing this in time, for sure.

Bhull1985 发表于 2022-7-5 23:16:33

Hey BIGAL, are you still around here? Was hoping for some help with this DCL

plecs 发表于 2022-7-5 23:22:04

but how do you save variable and insert oject in drawing, for example, a block with attrib

plecs 发表于 2022-7-5 23:26:42

I want to change the image when it is active when going through another edit_box edit_box to show my other imagime as possible that ,I do not need edit_list

test_dcl : dialog { label = "Lee Mac Modified"; spacer; :row {:boxed_column{label="Setari Corpuri Baza Bucatarie";: edit_box { //define edit box                key = "eb1" ;                                //give it a name                allow_accept = false;                 is_tab_stop = false;                 is_enabled= true;                label = "&Gaura din fata fund/mm" ;                //give it a label                edit_width = 4 ;                        //4 characters only       }//edit_box                        : edit_box { //define edit box                key = "eb2" ;                                //give it a name                                label = "&Gaura din spate fund/mm" ;                //give it a label                edit_width = 4 ;                        //4 characters only       }// edit_box                : edit_box { //define edit box                key = "eb3" ;                                //give it a name                label = "&Gaura din spate lateral/mm" ;                //give it a label                edit_width = 4 ;                        //4 characters only       }// edit_box                                : edit_box { //define edit box                key = "eb4" ;                                //give it a name                label = "&Gaura din fata lateral/mm" ;                //give it a label                edit_width = 4 ;                        //4 characters only       }// edit_box                                                        }// end boxed_column: boxed_column { label = "Image Slide";   : image { key = "sld";         height = 15;         fixed_height = true;       width = 50;         fixed_width = true;         color = 0;         aspect_ratio = 1;       is_enabled = false;         is_tab_stop = false;             }   }} ok_cancel;}

(defun c:test( / slide path dch lst ) (setq path "c:\\acad\\") (defun slide ( key file )   (if (setq file (findfile file))   (progn       (start_image key)       (fill_image 0 0 (dimx_tile key) (dimy_tile key) 0)       (slide_image 1 1 (- (dimx_tile key) 2) (- (dimy_tile key) 2) file)       (end_image)   )   ) ) (cond   ( (
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