在论坛中找到了这个。有人能清理一下吗?提前谢谢你。;;-------------------Solid Hatch}-----------------------;;
;; ;;
;; Creates a solid hatch ;;
;; with respect to the color of the objects ;;
(defun c:Sldhtch (/ *error* v l ss doc)
(defun C:hatchcol2 ( / obj hatcol pt)
(princ "\nPlease pick object for color")
(setq obj (car (entsel)))
(setq hatcol (vlax-get-property (vlax-Ename->Vla-Object obj) 'color))
(setq pt (getpoint "\nPlease pick inside objects"))
(setvar "HPNAME" "Solid") ;set hatch pattern
(command "-Hatch" pt "" "CO" hatcol "" "")
(defun *error* (x)
(if v
(mapcar 'setvar '(HPNAME CMDECHO) v)
(if (wcmatch (strcase x) "*BREAK*,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*")
(princ (strcat "\n** Error: " x " **"))
(setq l (entlast)
v (mapcar 'getvar '(HPNAME CMDECHO))
(if (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "SPLINE"))))
(progn (mapcar 'setvar '(HPNAME CMDECHO) '("SOLID" 0))
(setq l (entlast))
(vla-startUndomark (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
((lambda (i / sn c o)
(while (setq sn (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))))
(command "_.-hatch" "S" sn "" "")
(if (not (eq l (setq o (entlast))))
(if (setq c (assoc 62 (entget sn)))
(entmod (append (entget o) (list (cons 62 (cdr c)))))
(entmod (append (entget o) '((62 . 256))))
(setq l o)
(vla-Endundomark doc)
(*error* nil)
)(vl-load-com) 把它通过洗衣机与旋转周期和它出来干净。
你从哪里得到密码的?为什么你要把作者的名字从例程中删除? 我道歉。我没有恶意。我替换例程中的标题。