(SETQ CURSC (getvar "useri1" ))
(princ "the printing scale is 1:")(princ cursc)
(setq newsc (getint "\ngive a new scale1:"))
(setvar "useri1" newsc)
(setq a1 (getvar "useri1"))
(princ "\n the new printing scale is1:")(princ newsc)(princ)
(defun c:SD (/ scl lnx lny ex ey area cost)
(setq scl (getvar "useri1"))
(setq ex (entsel "\n select first line :"))
(setq lnx (/ scl (getdist ex)))
(setq ey (entsel "\n select second line :"))
(setq lny (/ scl (getdist ey)))
(setq area ( * lnx lny))
;the cost for the printing is1.42€ / sq.m(this price is for the example)
(setq cost ( * 1.42 area))
(princ (strcat"The length of the print paper and the cost is"
"\n length x = "
(rtos lnx 2 2)
" m"
"\n length y = "
(rtos lny 2 2)
" m"
"\n Area = "
(rtos area 2 2)
" sq.m"
"\n cost = "
(rtos cost 2 2)
" €"
) ; end defun
a) 仅选择一行
b) 不打印结果
测验图纸 无法通过(car(entsel))来获取对象的距离。
(setq ex (getdist ))
(setq lnx (/ scl ex))
(setq ey (getdist ))
(setq lny (/ scl ey))
a) 我不能选择直线,只能选择点
b) 计算错误????
(defun c:SD (/ scl lnx lny ex ey area cost)
(setq scl (getvar "useri1"))
(setq ex (getdist "\n select first line :"))
(setq lnx (/ scl ex))
(setq ey (getdist "\n select second line :"))
(setq lny (/ scl ey))
(setq area ( * lnx lny))
;the cost for the printing is1.42€ / sq.m(this price is for the example)
(setq cost ( * 1.42 area))
(princ (strcat"The length of the print paper and the cost is"
"\n length x = "
(rtos lnx 2 2)
" m"
"\n length y = "
(rtos lny 2 2)
" m"
"\n Area = "
(rtos area 2 2)
" sq.m"
"\n cost = "
(rtos cost 2 2)
" €"
你能帮忙吗谢谢 我把这两行改了
(setq lnx (/ scl ex))
(setq lny (/ scl ey))
(defun c:SD (/ scl lnx lny ex ey area cost)
(setq scl (getvar "useri1"))
(setq ex (getdist "\n select first line :"))
(setq lnx (/ ex scl))
(setq ey (getdist "\n select second line :"))
(setq lny (/ ey scl))
(setq area ( * lnx lny))
;the cost for the printing is1.42€ / sq.m(this price is for the example)
(setq cost ( * 1.42 area))
(princ (strcat"The length of the print paper and the cost is"
"\n length x = "
(rtos lnx 2 2)
" m"
"\n length y = "
(rtos lny 2 2)
" m"
"\n Area = "
(rtos area 2 2)
" sq.m"
"\n cost = "
(rtos cost 2 2)
" €"
谢谢 我解决了计算问题
(defun c:SD (/ scl lnx lny ex ey area cost)
(setq scl (getvar "useri1"))
(setq ex (getdist "\n select first line :"))
(setq ey (getdist "\n select second line :"))
(setq lnx (/ ex scl))
(setq lny (/ ey scl))
(setq area ( * lnx lny))
;the cost for the printing is1.42€ / sq.m(this price is for the example)
(setq cost ( * 1.42 area))
(princ (strcat"The length of the print paper and the cost is"
"\n length x = "
(rtos lnx 2 2)
" m"
"\n length y = "
(rtos lny 2 2)
" m"
"\n Area = "
(rtos area 2 2)
" sq.m"
"\n cost = "
(rtos cost 2 2)
" €"
谢谢 尝试
(defun c:SD (/ scl lnx lny ex ey area cost)
(setq scl (getvar "userr1")); ; <---- can not be zerop
(initget 7)
(setq scl (getreal "\nInput scale")) ;<--- or try manual input
;;;(setq ex (getdist "\n select first line :"))
;;;(setq ey (getdist "\n select second line :"))
(setq ex (entsel "\n select first line :"))
(setq ey (entsel "\n select second line :"))
(setq area (apply '*
(mapcar 'set
'(lnx lny)
(mapcar ''((x) (/ (vlax-get (vlax-ename->vla-object (car x)) "Length") scl)) (list ex ey))
) ;_ end of mapcar
) ;_ end of apply
) ;_ end of setq
;;;(setq lnx (/ ex scl))
;;;(setq lny (/ ey scl))
;;;(setq area ( * lnx lny))
;the cost for the printing is1.42€ / sq.m(this price is for the example)
(setq cost ( * 1.42 area))
(princ (strcat"\nThe length of the print paper and the cost is"
"\n length x = "
(rtos lnx 2 2)
" m"
"\n length y = "
(rtos lny 2 2)
" m"
"\n Area = "
(rtos area 2 2)
" sq.m"
"\n cost = "
(rtos cost 2 2)
" €"
谢谢大家的帮助 嗨,比格尔,是的,我同意你的方法可以得到适当的二维面积长度。
vla获取长度很容易,但由于长度是3D的,因此如果选定的线具有不同的高程,则可能会得到错误的结果。 hi BIGAL, yes i agree your method can get proper 2D length for area.
The vla-get-length is easy so but, due to length is 3D, so it may get incorrect result if selected lines have different elevations.