Hi hanhphuc,
Use a period of time, not very convenient.Enter --"O"Choose "A" &"B" ,It is easy to go wrong.
Can use the DCL? like this:
I have already made SLD files:
actually you don't need to enter "options" every time for "A or B", the "option" value you enter will be set as default for the next typical sessions, so you just pick point without "options" anymore..
Pick Point or ?
in red are default value
same as dcl, you only call it when you need to change its settings, not every time run it pops up then not user friendly
Yes, not every time run it pops up then not user friendly, but Dcl more intuitive.
http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?87818-A-lisp-need-some-modify./page2 (if (null *fb_user*) (setq *fb_user* (mapcar 'itoa '(1 0 1 0))) ) ;_ end of if(defun fbdia (/ radio dcl_id path dcl) (setq radio '("radio1" "radio2" "radioA" "radioB" )path(getenv "temp"))('((f lst /) (setq f (open f "w")) (mapcar ''(($) (write-line $ f)) lst) (close f) (setq f nil) ) (setq dcl (strcat path "\\tmp.dcl")) '("icon_fbox_img : image {" " color = 0;" " width = 40;" " aspect_ratio = 0.75;" " allow_accept = true;" " fixed_height = true;" " fixed_width = true;" "}" "" "" "fbox: dialog {" "\tlabel=\"Fillet Box settings\";" " key = \"dcl_title\";" "" ": paragraph{" " : text_part{" "\tlabel =\"Choose options \";" "\t//alignment = centered;" "}" "} " " :column {" " :row { " " :column {" " :icon_fbox_img {key = \"SH-CENTRE\";}" " }" " :column { " " :icon_fbox_img {key = \"SH-EDGE\";}" " }" " }" "}" " :column{fixed_width=true;//alignment=centered;" " :boxed_radio_row{label=\"Draw method\";" "\t:radio_button{label=\"Pick centre \";key=\"radio1\";}//value=\"0\";" " :radio_button{label=\"Pick side \";key=\"radio2\";}//value=\"1\"" "}" "}" " :column {" " :row { " " :column {" " :icon_fbox_img {key = \"SH-P2P\";}" " } " " :column {" " :icon_fbox_img {key = \"SH-C2C\";}" " }" " } " " }" " " " spacer_1;" " :column{fixed_width=true;//alignment=centered;" " :boxed_radio_row{label=\"Mode\";" " :radio_button{label=\"A:Edge to Edge \";key=\"radioA\";}//value=\"0\"" " :radio_button{label=\"B:Radii to radii \";key=\"radioB\";}//value=\"1\";" " }" "}" " :column{fixed_width=true;alignment=centered;" " : paragraph{" " : text_part{" "\tlabel =\"Fillet box : hanhphuc 2014\";" "\talignment = centered;" "}" "} " " :row {" " \tspacer_0;" " ok_cancel;" " }" "}" "}" ) ) (setq dcl_id (load_dialog dcl)) (new_dialog "fbox" dcl_id) (mapcar ''((a) ('((i sld) (setq x (dimx_tile i)) (setq y (dimy_tile i)) (start_image i) (fill_image 0 0 x y -2) (slide_image 0 0 x y sld) (end_image) ) a (strcat path "\\" a) ; radio is key name, not sld name. you just need changing the path! never change the slide name!! the slide must be put in support folder, or create it. or try to put in short name path, ie: "C:\\LISP\\"
Thank you ,my friend ,
I put sld file and lisp in support folder, the same folder , How to modify the path?