抵消图纸 如果有帮助,这是我用来抵消的lisp:
;Alfredo Rodriguez, 18 May 2014
;This will offset an object multiple times
;It will offset to the inside/outside, up/down, left/right depending on the drawing direction
;So it's better to always set a maximum number of offsets or else it could offset indefinitely
;For this reason, if use default is chosen, it will offset the object 20 times, or you can
;choose how many times to offset. If object is offset to the wrong side, enter a negative distance (ej: -3 instead of 3)
;I'm not a lisp professional, so I can't guaranty any results obtained with this code, so use with care.
(defun c:cntoffset (/ ename dist vobj obj objlist objlist2 how_many count maxcount thisdrawing size listname)
(setqthisdrawing (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) ;Thismakes the Undo command erase only what's drawn in this lisp
(vla-StartUndoMark thisdrawing) ;This makes the Undo command erase only what's drawn in this lisp
(null (initget 7))
(while (setq ent (ssget))
(setq dist (getdist "\nEnter offset distance: "))
(setq how_many (sslength ent))
(setq count 0)
(setq maxcount (getdist "\nEnter number of offsets (or press Enter to use default): "))
(setq maxcount 50)
(while (/= count how_many)
(setq ename (ssname ent count))
(setq obj (list (vlax-ename->vla-object ename)))
(setq objlist (append obj objlist))
(setq count (+ count 1))
(setq count 0)
(while (and (/= count maxcount) (/= objlist nil))
(setq count (+ count 1))
(setq vobj (car objlist))
(if (vlax-method-applicable-p vobj "Offset")
;(progn ;Activate this line during testing to see order in which objects are drawn
(if (vl-catch-all-error-p
(setq objlist2 (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke
(list vobj 'Offset (- dist)))))
(progn (setq objlist2 nil)
(prompt "\n*** Can not offset that object, try again. ***")
(setq count 0)
(setq size (length objlist2));To see if more than one object was created
;(prompt "\nDone") ;Activate this line during testing to see order in which objects are drawn
;(alert "\nJust for testing!!!") ;Activate thisline during testing to see order in which objects are drawn
;Activate this line during testing to see order in which objects are drawn
(if (> size 1);To create a different list name for each object, but this seens to be going nowhere
(progn (setq count2 1)
(while (< count2 size)
(setq count2 (+ count2 1))
(setq listname (strcat "polylist" (itoa count2)))
(setq objlist (append objlist2 (cdr objlist)))
(setq objlist nil)
(setq objlist2 nil)
(vla-EndUndoMark thisdrawing) ;This makes the Undo command erase only what's drawn in this lisp
) 也许可以参考一下这个句柄,它是增量十六进制还是唯一的名称?
每一步都连接/附加到一个列表中 像hanhphuc一样,只需使用(Entlast)创建每个偏移量,并将对象添加到选择集,然后就可以检索每个偏移量。根据需要重复多个选择集。 嗨,伙计们。谢谢你的回答。
例如:A创建B,B创建C,D和E,C创建F和G(然后返回“nil”),D创建H和I(然后返回“nil”),E创建J(和“nil”),因此最终列表必须是(A B C F G)(D H I)(E J)。这可以在任何级别重复多次。
(setq count 0)
(while (and (/= count maxcount) (/= objlist nil))
(setq count (+ count 1))
(setq vobj (car objlist))
(if (vlax-method-applicable-p vobj "Offset")
;(progn ;Activate this line during testing to see order in which objects are drawn
(if (vl-catch-all-error-p
(setq objlist2 (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke
(list vobj 'Offset (- dist)))))
(progn (setq objlist2 nil)
(prompt "\n*** Can not offset that object, try again. ***")
(setq count 0)
(setq polylist (append polylist (list "p" (car polylist2))))
(setq polylist2 (cdr polylist2))
(setq size (length objlist2));To see if more than one object was created
;(prompt "\nDone") ;Activate this line during testing to see order in which objects are drawn
;(alert "\nJust for testing!!!") ;Activate this line during testing to see order in which objects are drawn
;Activate this line during testing to see order in which objects are drawn
(if (> size 1);To separate list if more than one object was created
(setq polylist (append polylist (list (car objlist2))))
(setq polylist2 (append polylist2 (cdr objlist2)))
(setq polylist (append polylist objlist2))
(setq objlist (append objlist2 (cdr objlist)))