s8utt 发表于 2022-7-5 22:54:05

Select polyline - Return list

I'm working on a job where I have to extract co-ordinate data from 2D polylines.
I need to extract the co-ordinate information for each separate element of the polyline ( lines and radius's )
If its a line I need the start and end co-ordinates ( x & y )
If its a radius I need the start and end co-ordinates and the radius centre co-ordinates (x & y )
So I would like to run a command, it asks to select a polyline and then it returns a list / copies to the clipboard a list of co-ordinates. Each element on a separate line.
For example if the polyline consisted of a 2 lines and a radius connecting them it would return

0,0 0,9010,100 10,90, 0,9010,100 100,100
the radius coordinates are start, centre, end ( normal autocad way )
Can anyone help ?

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-5 23:04:30

My Polyline Information program should help you obtain the information that you require.

s8utt 发表于 2022-7-5 23:10:52

Lee, that's fantastic
Many thanks its indeed what I need.
Thanks Again

s8utt 发表于 2022-7-5 23:19:21

Lee, I think I've run into a small problem.
The polyline I'm using a is a closed polyline, it comprises of 9 radii and 9 lines.
The text file is only outputting 8 Radii and 9 lines
Any ideas ?
I had a play with other shapes, it seems to be missing off the last element ( line or rad ) hope you can offer a solution

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-5 23:28:31

You're absolutely right Scott, thank you for spotting this bug with the program - given that the program is almost two years old, I'm surprised this hasn't been found before!
I'll look to implement a fix for the program as soon as possible.

s8utt 发表于 2022-7-5 23:36:33

Thanks Lee
I would greatly appreciate a fix, this is a most useful program for my daily 'choirs'.

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-5 23:40:48

I didn't realise you sang every day...!
Joking aside, I have now updated this program to version 1.2 to hopefully fix the problem with closed polylines. The new version can be downloaded from my site here (you may need to refresh the page if it has been viewed recently).
I'm glad you find the program useful!

s8utt 发表于 2022-7-5 23:48:17

Thanks Lee
yeah my singing is mostly composed on computer related insults
I should spend more time proof reading my typing's.
Enjoy your weekend

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-5 23:55:16

You're welcome Scott - enjoy your weekend also
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