samifox 发表于 2022-7-6 00:05:44

my baby is when she turn to 21 il be 56...wonder if human still exist by than....
about the didnt read all thread.
what is 0.05$?

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-6 00:06:16

A couple of comments 30+ years with lisp ex Autocad sales agent exposure C# & .net. Always learning.
What I was getting at here I actually did the other day needed to do something and cut and pasted 6 lines of modified lisp code to complete task. Using .net open my VS cut paste compile then run. A simple task just needed a simple very temporary solution. VL has done everything I need to do within CIV3d, when looking at our civ3d add on you can sees why they use .Net the auto dynamic updating of multiple windows no way in lisp.

samifox 发表于 2022-7-6 00:15:37

didnt understand, can your rreprahse please?
so my op question or wonder wasnt comperable, lisp and .NET arent comperable. API's are ment to the long run tasks
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