erin0karr 发表于 2022-7-5 23:58:37

Perfect! Thank you Lee Mac.

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 00:04:49

You're welcome!

Bill Tillman 发表于 2022-7-6 00:08:30

Ah, TAMU...what wonderful memories of College Station, and a girl named Veronica who took me to the creamery on campus for out of this world ice cream.

Tuns 发表于 2022-7-6 00:11:08

I don't go there, I work for an architectural precast company so I was just aware that they were adding to the stadium. I just noticed that he is from College Station so I thought I'd ask.

erin0karr 发表于 2022-7-6 00:13:15

I'm a "she" (: AND a longhorn. go figure.

madcow181 发表于 2022-7-6 00:17:18

Go to Options -> Files -> Support File Search Path
Then add and link to the location of your LISP. I moved mine to the 3rd one down from the top because we have our main support path and then custom hatches.

ROBP 发表于 2022-7-6 00:21:53

Personally i load them in the CUI file under lisp and also add it in the option search path.
And it never fails it always loads everytime i open cad and call for them.

MSasu 发表于 2022-7-6 00:24:30

The position of a path entry in Support File Search Path list will matter only if there were resources (auto-loaders, AutoLISP routines, linetype libraries, hatch patterns, blocks, etc.) with the same name in two or more folders from said list. This is due to the fact that first encountered will be the one used.
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