Lisp with error-handling
Dear Lisp-Proffessionalsi have this following little Code with which i try to convert a text's entity style into "Simplex" (just an example). The text is on the layer "Test". Now, when there is a textfield on the layer "Test", the lisp works perfectly fine, but as soon as there is no textfield it doesn't. this wouldn't be a problem, but since there are some other conversion-codes after this particular one the whole code isn't working..
here is the code:
(defun c:Convert(/ entities len count ent ent_data ent_name new_style_name )
(setq entities (ssget "X" '(
(-4 . "")
(-4 . "")))
len (sslength entities)
count 0
(while (
(setqent (ssname entities count)
ent_data (entget ent)
ent_name (cdr (assoc 7 ent_data))
(setq new_style_name (cons 7 "SIMPLEX"))
(setq ent_data (subst new_style_name (assoc 7 ent_data) ent_data))
(entmod ent_data)
(setq count (+ count 1))
) ; while
); defun
I guess what i need is some error-handling? So i thought to put in the two lines to stop the error:
; if
; progn entities
(defun c:Convert(/ entities len count ent ent_data ent_name new_style_name )
(setq entities (ssget "X" '(
(-4 . "")
(-4 . "")))
len (sslength entities)
count 0
(if entities
(while (
(setqent (ssname entities count)
ent_data (entget ent)
ent_name (cdr (assoc 7 ent_data))
(setq new_style_name (cons 7 "SIMPLEX"))
(setq ent_data (subst new_style_name (assoc 7 ent_data) ent_data))
(entmod ent_data)
(setq count (+ count 1))
) ;while
) ;progn
) ; if
); defun
Even with that it wouldn't do the following conversions. I don't know much of errror-handling that is maybe why... Can please somebody tell me what i'm doing wrong?
Thank you! Welcome to CADTutor .
Read this about code posting guidlines . Maybe:
(defun c:convert (/ ss i en ed) (if (setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "*TEXT")(8 . "TEST")))) (progn (setq i 0) (while (setq en (ssname ss i)) (setq ed (entget en)) (entmod (subst (cons 7 "SIMPLEX") (assoc 7 ed) ed)) (setq i (1+ i))))) (prin1))
-David Thank you David for you quick adviceworks perfect now!
...and sorry for not posting correctly, will do different next time...
Have a good day! Glad it worked,
Welcome to CADTutor