Hii'm trying to get a list to the left of the .sld files now i could ad the list_box to the correct place. but i cant get it to work. i dont know what i need to type in at key.
i found this code at
blk_lib.dcl the dcl file i have modified.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Dwg_Blks - View and select drawing blocks//------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dwg_Blks : dialog { label = ""; key = "title"; initial_focus = "cancel"; spacer; : row { : column { : list_box { label =""; key = "???"; height = 50; width = 25; multiple_select = false; fixed_width_font = true; value = ""; } } : column { : row { : icon_image { key = "sld1"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld2"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld3"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld4"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld5"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } } : row { : column { : text { key = "sld1text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld2text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld3text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld4text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld5text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } } : row { : icon_image { key = "sld6"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld7"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld8"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld9"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld10"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } } : row { : column { : text { key = "sld6text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld7text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld8text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld9text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld10text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } } : row { : icon_image { key = "sld11"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld12"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld13"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld14"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld15"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } } : row { : column { : text { key = "sld11text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld12text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld13text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld14text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld15text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } } : row { : icon_image { key = "sld16"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld17"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld18"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld19"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } : icon_image { key = "sld20"; width = 25.92; height = 7.97; aspect_ratio = 1; } } : row { : column { : text { key = "sld16text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld17text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld18text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld19text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } : column { : text { key = "sld20text"; label = ""; width = 25.92; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } } } } } : row { : column { : button { key = "previous"; label = "< Previous"; mnemonic = "P"; width = 70; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } : ok_button { mnemonic = "O"; alignment = right; width = 11; } } : column { : button { key = "next"; label = "Next >"; mnemonic = "N"; width = 70; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; } : cancel_button { mnemonic = "C"; alignment = left; width = 11; } } }}//Dwg_Blksso this part of dcl i have changed.
now i would like to get in the list box a list of all files that are displayed as .sld on that part of the library
do i need to make changes also to the .lsp file cause i searched and tried some different names as key but none show me a list or even a word
thx in advance To list the SLD files should look to VL-DIRECTORY-FILES function.
(vl-directory-files "C:\\MySLDLibrary\\" "*.SLD" 0)
Please post the AutoLISP code along to get an apropriate answer.
I edited my first one now the site should work where to get those files.
i cant past the code in here cause it is to long.
with those 3 codes it should work, the program
now i don't realy onderstand where to add your part
also each part of the library loads his own .def and .sld file at the location where the .dwg stands
its a verry nice tool that library but it need some tweeking for me.
am also looking to adjust some default values.
but that is for afhter this qeust To use a listbox, you need a key. In the DCL file, the only thing you specify is which key should be used. The key however has to be defined into the lisp.
To define a key you need the following functions
(start_list key)
Many made simple sub routines to help, I've seen (one by MSasu and Lee Mac..)
This one is simple and understandable even for beginners (posted by Lee originally me think... )
(defun FillPopupList ( key lst ) (start_list key) (foreach item lst (add_list item)) (end_list))
If you want to change the lock (key in DCL), you'll need to make new key (and ideally get rid of unused one). Look and search you'll find 95% of what you need.
Good luck
I'm i right that tis part is controlling the dcl part with the list
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Dwg_Blks: - Controls dialog Dwg_Blks.dcl to view select drawing blocks. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun Dwg_Blks: (LibTitle$ DefFile$ / Attribs$ AttribsList@ BlkList@ Block$ BlockLen# Option# Cnt# Dcl_Id% EOF Explode$ ExplodeList@ Field# FileName% ImageName$ Item$ Layer$ LayerList@ Mid$ No_Blks# No_Pages# PathBlock$ PathFile$ Pg_No# Pick Point@ PointList@ Q$ Ref# Rep# ScaleList@ Scale~ SlideRef$ StartNo# Text$ UserPoint@ UserScale~ );variables ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get Lists from DefFile$. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (if (setq PathFile$ (findfile (strcat "C:\\Custom\\Blk_Sld\\" DefFile$))) (setq FileName% (open PathFile$ "r")) (progn (GetOK (strcat LibTitle$ " Library") (strcat DefFile$ " file not found.") "AlertX" );GetOK (exit) );progn );if (setq Q$ "\"") (setq EOF nil)(setq Item$ "") (while (null EOF) (setq Text$ (read-line FileName%)) (if Text$ (if (= (substr Text$ 1 1) Q$) (progn (setq StartNo# 2) (setq Cnt# 1) (setq Field# 1) (while (and (