Guest Trekiez 发表于 2022-7-5 23:28:48

A Few -Very Basic- LISP questi

I am both new to the CADTutor forums and to AutoCAD itself. I have been dealing with AutoCAD 2014 and Civil 3D 2010 for Contouring my drafting files since only mid December as of last year.
I have a few simple questions to ask about LISP and any replies or help would be very appreciated.
First of all, what is LISP? Is it a form of virtual language or is a LISP a set of commands that are created to meet a need? Is it sort of like creating a program in Java, but for AutoCAD purposes?
Secondly, is LISP used with other programs other than AutoCAD products, or is it tied with a single AutoCAD product such as Civil 3D etc.. Or is it a global AutoCAD code?
And lastly, would this site be able to tutor me to learn such a code? Is the code an easy one to learn, or will it require a fair bit of studying for even the basics? I am wondering whether I should start learning this language or if it will be of any use to me now or in the future, as I plan to continue this career in the drafting field for life.
Thank you in advance!

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-5 23:57:19

An introduction to Lisp by CADTutor member Lee Mac...

Guest Trekiez 发表于 2022-7-6 00:13:45

Thank you, I've had a look over some of the basics given by the site and I am so far understanding both what LISP is and how it works.
In fact I've already written my first LISP

asos2000 发表于 2022-7-6 00:30:39

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