jtk07 发表于 2022-7-5 23:30:26



alanjt 发表于 2022-7-5 23:35:10


Adds or updates aseries of layers to a layer state
Compares a layerstateto the layers in the current drawing
Deletes a layerstate
Exports a layer stateto a specified file
Returns thename of the last restored layer state in the current drawing
Returns the layerssaved in a layer state
Returns a list of thelayer state names
Checks if a layer state ispresent
Imports a layer statefrom a specified file
Imports a layerstate from a specified drawing file
Removes a list oflayers from a layer state
Renames a layerstate
Restores a layer stateinto the current drawing
Saves a layer state inthe current drawing

jtk07 发表于 2022-7-5 23:37:35

“命令:layerstate importfromdb

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-5 23:43:09


jtk07 发表于 2022-7-5 23:44:50


No need to run this on another machine - ObjectDBX only needs +/-20 seconds to open, change the layer state, and save all 170 drawings.

THAT is why I suggested it... it's lightning fast!!!

However, there are some restrictions....

For example, you cannot issue normal AutoCAD commands like ._qsave, and ._close. You MUST use Visual LISP syntax functions like vla-open, and vla-close found within the ActiveX COM API.

You can read more about ObjectDBX here, as well as learn some basics for good programming:

Good Habits for Coding in Visual LISP

Here's an excerpt:

                                                      Efficiently Opening Files, or “Warp Speed, Captain!”

ObjectDBX allows you to access drawings without loading them in thedrawing editor. This results in a huge improvement in processing speedat the expense of not having the user interface. The lack of a userinterface means that you cannot use selection sets. There may also beissues when modifying objects such as attributes. It is also useful fordecomposing complex objects without the risk of modifying the originalobject or its host drawing.

The performance gains make ObjectDBX an excellent tool for queryingmultiple drawings. For example, many firms have developed applicationsthat allow them to create and maintain sheet indexes across hundreds ofdrawings in seconds rather than hours.

ObjectDBX cannot directly work on drawings that are read-only ortemplates. Therefore, a simple wrapper function that detects thoseconditions and provides a temporary drawing file to use in such a caseis useful.

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-5 23:47:55


alanjt 发表于 2022-7-5 23:51:38

(layerstate-import <FileNamehere>)

jtk07 发表于 2022-7-5 23:53:44

当你转到autocad 2011时,我再也看不到帮助屏幕了。你使用的在线帮助更像是没有答案的在线循环。

irneb 发表于 2022-7-5 23:57:25

如果只想将状态恢复到视口,则需要首先获取VP的ename。E、 g.如果要将状态恢复到当前DWG中的所有视口,并使用视口覆盖,而不是为所有图层设置颜色和线型:
(setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "VIEWPORT"))) n (sslength ss))
(while (>= (setq n (1- n)) 0)
(layerstate-restore "StateTest" (ssname ss n) 4)

jtk07 发表于 2022-7-6 00:00:10


(defun c:test)
(if (layerstate-import "I:\DRAWINGS\090-0056 LFMP\Common\ME_Layer_State.las")
(princ "ME_Layer_State.las has been imported.")
(princ "There was an error importing ME_Layer_State.las")
(if (layerstate-restore "ME_Layer_State" nil)
(princ "ME_Layer_State has been restored.")
(princ "There's an error restoring ME_Layer_State")
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