g007doc 发表于 2022-7-5 23:31:21

Script file - Modifying entiti

Hi all.New to the group.Been browsing and this seems to be one of the best CAD forums I've seen in a very long time.
My problem, I have a few hundred files drafted in an arbitrary coordinate location.I need to batch process a script file on all of these drawings to move, rotate, and scale all entities.I have the transformation Script file nailed down.The coordintate translation is very minute so it is difficult to notice the translation.I need a way to notify users when they open the drawings that the entities have been transformed.Any ideas via scripting?
Some of my thoughts but not quite sure how to accomplish: Adding text to a no plot layer, inserting a block on a no plot layer, or my preference would be to add a hyperlink "Text to display:" on all of the entities.That way, when the cursor over the object it notifies them of the translation.I haven't been able to figure out how to handle through a script file.

Adam Parker 发表于 2022-7-5 23:59:11

I need to move a block named "north" in the Y direction in 6" increments and take a rendered image after each movement.Any help here would be appreciated.Thanks.--AP

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-6 00:22:18

Adam dont steal the post start a new one.
g007doc have you thought about using a UCS this way World returns back to where you were, just make sure you save it and give a name.

Tyke 发表于 2022-7-6 00:32:42

... and what's worse the "stolen" thread is 9 years old
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