Error: malformed list on input
I have a old menu that loads a MNL file with Lisp routines that I need. When it loads I get a "Error: malformed list on input" message but in the past I think I seem to remember the items I needed still worked. Today I am having issues and not sure where to start.One problem when I pick an item off the toolbar and place it...the customize menu pops up...I think there is an extra "Enter" somewhere?
Steve Welcome to CADTutor Steve
My Error Message Troubleshooter should help you to understand the source of the problem.
Lee Thank you Sir, I will give it a look. I am not familiar with Visual LISP, is there an easy way to find the extra right parentheses? If its an extra "Enter" as your 1st post indicates, look at the command calls.If its an old lisp, acad has changed the entry methods for a few commands. I'm sorry...I took a AutoLISP class about 20 years ago and never used it and don't know where to start. Do you know of someone that could take a file and look at it or clean it up? I can't afford much but could pay or donate?
As noted in the troubleshooter, the error message that you have posted corresponds to too few closing parentheses, not too many...