(defun c:TB ()
(if (setq Opt
"\nDo you want to: 1- Update Titleblock 2- Update RevBlock 3- Update Drawing Titles: "
);;user input for variable "opt"
((= opt 1);;if user picks to update titleblock
(setq titletop (getstring "\nWhat is title top? "))
(setq titlemiddle (getstring "\nWhat is title middle? "))
(setq titlebottom (getstring "\nWhat is title bottom? "))
((= opt 2);;if user picks to update revblock
row (getint "\nWhich revision row do you wish to edit? ")
((= row 1)
(setq 1rowrev (getstring "\n1st row rev: "))
(setq 1rowyy (getstring "\n1st row year: "))
(setq 1rowmm (getstring "\n1st row month: "))
(setq 1rowdd (getstring "\n1st row day: "))
(setq 1rdesc (getstring T "\n1st row description: "))
(setq 1rowby (getstring "\n1st row by: "))
(setq 1rowchk (getstring "\n1st row chk: "))
(setq 1roweng (getstring "\n1st row eng: "))
(setq 1rowapp (getstring "\n1st row app: "))
((= row 2)
(setq 2rowrev (getstring "\n2nd row rev: "))
(setq 2rowyy (getstring "\n2nd row year: "))
(setq 2rowmm (getstring "\n2nd row month: "))
(setq 2rowdd (getstring "\n2nd row day: "))
(setq 2rdesc (getstring T "\n2nd row description: "))
(setq 2rowby (getstring "\n2nd row by: "))
(setq 2rowchk (getstring "\n2nd row chk: "))
(setq 2roweng (getstring "\n2nd row eng: "))
(setq 2rowapp (getstring "\n2nd row app: "))
((= row 3)
(setq 3rowrev (getstring "\n3rd row rev: "))
(setq 3rowyy (getstring "\n3rd row year: "))
(setq 3rowmm (getstring "\n3rd row month: "))
(setq 3rowdd (getstring "\n3rd row day: "))
(setq 3rdesc (getstring T "\n3rd row description: "))
(setq 3rowby (getstring "\n3rd row by: "))
(setq 3rowchk (getstring "\n3rd row chk: "))
(setq 3roweng (getstring "\n3rd row eng: "))
(setq 3rowapp (getstring "\n3rd row app: "))
((= row 4)
(setq 4rowrev (getstring "\n4th row rev: "))
(setq 4rowyy (getstring "\n4th row year: "))
(setq 4rowmm (getstring "\n4th row month: "))
(setq 4rowdd (getstring "\n4th row day: "))
(setq 4rdesc (getstring T "\n4th row description: "))
(setq 4rowby (getstring "\n4th row by: "))
(setq 4rowchk (getstring "\n4th row chk: "))
(setq 4roweng (getstring "\n4th row eng: "))
(setq 4rowapp (getstring "\n4th row app: "))
);;end cond
);; end progn
);;end opt 2
((= opt 3);;if user picks to update drawing titles, still figuring this section out
);;end cond
);;end 1st progn
);;end 1st if
);;end defun
谢谢你的帮助! 使用从文档对象派生的ActiveX SummaryInfo对象的属性和方法:
(defun c:TB ()
(if (setq Opt
"\nDo you want to: 1- Update Titleblock 2- Update RevBlock 3- Update Drawing Titles: "
);;user input for variable "opt"
((= opt 1);;if user picks to update titleblock
(setq titletop (getstring "\nWhat is title top? "))
(setq titlemiddle (getstring "\nWhat is title middle? "))
(setq titlebottom (getstring "\nWhat is title bottom? "))
((= opt 2);;if user picks to update revblock
row (getint "\nWhich revision row do you wish to edit? ")
((= row 1)
(setq 1rowrev (getstring "\n1st row rev: "))
(setq 1rowyy (getstring "\n1st row year: "))
(setq 1rowmm (getstring "\n1st row month: "))
(setq 1rowdd (getstring "\n1st row day: "))
(setq 1rdesc (getstring T "\n1st row description: "))
(setq 1rowby (getstring "\n1st row by: "))
(setq 1rowchk (getstring "\n1st row chk: "))
(setq 1roweng (getstring "\n1st row eng: "))
(setq 1rowapp (getstring "\n1st row app: "))
(vla-get-summaryinfo (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object.addcustominfo(1rrev, 1rowrev))))
((= row 2)
(setq 2rowrev (getstring "\n2nd row rev: "))
(setq 2rowyy (getstring "\n2nd row year: "))
(setq 2rowmm (getstring "\n2nd row month: "))
(setq 2rowdd (getstring "\n2nd row day: "))
(setq 2rdesc (getstring T "\n2nd row description: "))
(setq 2rowby (getstring "\n2nd row by: "))
(setq 2rowchk (getstring "\n2nd row chk: "))
(setq 2roweng (getstring "\n2nd row eng: "))
(setq 2rowapp (getstring "\n2nd row app: "))
((= row 3)
(setq 3rowrev (getstring "\n3rd row rev: "))
(setq 3rowyy (getstring "\n3rd row year: "))
(setq 3rowmm (getstring "\n3rd row month: "))
(setq 3rowdd (getstring "\n3rd row day: "))
(setq 3rdesc (getstring T "\n3rd row description: "))
(setq 3rowby (getstring "\n3rd row by: "))
(setq 3rowchk (getstring "\n3rd row chk: "))
(setq 3roweng (getstring "\n3rd row eng: "))
(setq 3rowapp (getstring "\n3rd row app: "))
((= row 4)
(setq 4rowrev (getstring "\n4th row rev: "))
(setq 4rowyy (getstring "\n4th row year: "))
(setq 4rowmm (getstring "\n4th row month: "))
(setq 4rowdd (getstring "\n4th row day: "))
(setq 4rdesc (getstring T "\n4th row description: "))
(setq 4rowby (getstring "\n4th row by: "))
(setq 4rowchk (getstring "\n4th row chk: "))
(setq 4roweng (getstring "\n4th row eng: "))
(setq 4rowapp (getstring "\n4th row app: "))
);;end cond
);; end progn
);;end opt 2
((= opt 3);;if user picks to update drawing titles, still figuring this section out
);;end cond
);;end 1st progn
);;end 1st if
);;end defun
再次感谢。 仅仅阅读post和我可能是错误的,但可能是基于使用带属性的普通块的注释,对每个变量进行回答似乎很困难,并且作为一种逐行输入类型过于致命。
(defun c:TB ()
(setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-Acad-Object)))
(setq db (vla-get-Database doc))
(setq si (vla-get-SummaryInfo db))
(if (setq Opt
"\nDo you want to: 1- Update Titleblock 2- Update RevBlock 3- Update Drawing Titles: "
);;user input for variable "opt"
((= opt 1);;if user picks to update titleblock
(setq titletop (getstring "\nWhat is title top? "))
(setq titlemiddle (getstring "\nWhat is title middle? "))
(setq titlebottom (getstring "\nWhat is title bottom? "))
((= opt 2);;if user picks to update revblock
row (getint "\nWhich revision row do you wish to edit? ")
((= row 1)
(setq 1rowrev (getstring "\n1st row rev: "))
(setq 1rowyy (getstring "\n1st row year: "))
(setq 1rowmm (getstring "\n1st row month: "))
(setq 1rowdd (getstring "\n1st row day: "))
(setq 1rdesc (getstring T "\n1st row description: "))
(setq 1rowby (getstring "\n1st row by: "))
(setq 1rowchk (getstring "\n1st row chk: "))
(setq 1roweng (getstring "\n1st row eng: "))
(setq 1rowapp (getstring "\n1st row app: "))
(vla-SetCustomByIndex(7, 1RREV, 1rowrev))
((= row 2)
(setq 2rowrev (getstring "\n2nd row rev: "))
(setq 2rowyy (getstring "\n2nd row year: "))
(setq 2rowmm (getstring "\n2nd row month: "))
(setq 2rowdd (getstring "\n2nd row day: "))
(setq 2rdesc (getstring T "\n2nd row description: "))
(setq 2rowby (getstring "\n2nd row by: "))
(setq 2rowchk (getstring "\n2nd row chk: "))
(setq 2roweng (getstring "\n2nd row eng: "))
(setq 2rowapp (getstring "\n2nd row app: "))
((= row 3)
(setq 3rowrev (getstring "\n3rd row rev: "))
(setq 3rowyy (getstring "\n3rd row year: "))
(setq 3rowmm (getstring "\n3rd row month: "))
(setq 3rowdd (getstring "\n3rd row day: "))
(setq 3rdesc (getstring T "\n3rd row description: "))
(setq 3rowby (getstring "\n3rd row by: "))
(setq 3rowchk (getstring "\n3rd row chk: "))
(setq 3roweng (getstring "\n3rd row eng: "))
(setq 3rowapp (getstring "\n3rd row app: "))
((= row 4)
(setq 4rowrev (getstring "\n4th row rev: "))
(setq 4rowyy (getstring "\n4th row year: "))
(setq 4rowmm (getstring "\n4th row month: "))
(setq 4rowdd (getstring "\n4th row day: "))
(setq 4rdesc (getstring T "\n4th row description: "))
(setq 4rowby (getstring "\n4th row by: "))
(setq 4rowchk (getstring "\n4th row chk: "))
(setq 4roweng (getstring "\n4th row eng: "))
(setq 4rowapp (getstring "\n4th row app: "))
);;end cond
);; end progn
);;end opt 2
((= opt 3);;if user picks to update drawing titles, still figuring this section out
);;end cond
);;end 1st progn
);;end 1st if
);;end defun
(vla-SetCustomByIndex si 7 1RREV 1rowrev)
(defun c:TB (/ doc db si opt titletop titlemiddle titlebottom row
1rowrev 1rowyy 1rowmm 1rowdd 1rowdesc 1rowby 1rowchk 1roweng 1rowapp
2rowrev 2rowyy 2rowmm 2rowdd 2rowdesc 2rowby 2rowchk 2roweng 2rowapp
3rowrev 3rowyy 3rowmm 3rowdd 3rowdesc 3rowby 3rowchk 3roweng 3rowapp
4rowrev 4rowyy 4rowmm 4rowdd 4rowdesc 4rowby 4rowchk 4roweng 4rowapp
(setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-Acad-Object)))
(setq db (vla-get-Database doc))
(setq si (vla-get-SummaryInfo db))
(if (setq Opt
"\nDo you want to: 1- Update Titleblock 2- Update RevBlock 3- Update Drawing Titles: "
);;user input for variable "opt"
((= opt 1);;if user picks to update titleblock
(setq titletop (getstring "\nWhat is title top? "))
(setq titlemiddle (getstring "\nWhat is title middle? "))
(setq titlebottom (getstring "\nWhat is title bottom? "))
((= opt 2);;if user picks to update revblock
row (getint "\nWhich revision row do you wish to edit? ")
((= row 1)
(setq 1rowrev (getstring "\n1st row rev: "))
(setq 1rowyy (getstring "\n1st row year: "))
(setq 1rowmm (getstring "\n1st row month: "))
(setq 1rowdd (getstring "\n1st row day: "))
(setq 1rdesc (getstring T "\n1st row description: "))
(setq 1rowby (getstring "\n1st row by: "))
(setq 1rowchk (getstring "\n1st row chk: "))
(setq 1roweng (getstring "\n1st row eng: "))
(setq 1rowapp (getstring "\n1st row app: "))
(vla-SetCustomByIndex si 7 1RREV 1rowrev)
((= row 2)
(setq 2rowrev (getstring "\n2nd row rev: "))
(setq 2rowyy (getstring "\n2nd row year: "))
(setq 2rowmm (getstring "\n2nd row month: "))
(setq 2rowdd (getstring "\n2nd row day: "))
(setq 2rdesc (getstring T "\n2nd row description: "))
(setq 2rowby (getstring "\n2nd row by: "))
(setq 2rowchk (getstring "\n2nd row chk: "))
(setq 2roweng (getstring "\n2nd row eng: "))
(setq 2rowapp (getstring "\n2nd row app: "))
((= row 3)
(setq 3rowrev (getstring "\n3rd row rev: "))
(setq 3rowyy (getstring "\n3rd row year: "))
(setq 3rowmm (getstring "\n3rd row month: "))
(setq 3rowdd (getstring "\n3rd row day: "))
(setq 3rdesc (getstring T "\n3rd row description: "))
(setq 3rowby (getstring "\n3rd row by: "))
(setq 3rowchk (getstring "\n3rd row chk: "))
(setq 3roweng (getstring "\n3rd row eng: "))
(setq 3rowapp (getstring "\n3rd row app: "))
((= row 4)
(setq 4rowrev (getstring "\n4th row rev: "))
(setq 4rowyy (getstring "\n4th row year: "))
(setq 4rowmm (getstring "\n4th row month: "))
(setq 4rowdd (getstring "\n4th row day: "))
(setq 4rdesc (getstring T "\n4th row description: "))
(setq 4rowby (getstring "\n4th row by: "))
(setq 4rowchk (getstring "\n4th row chk: "))
(setq 4roweng (getstring "\n4th row eng: "))
(setq 4rowapp (getstring "\n4th row app: "))
);;end cond
);; end progn
);;end opt 2
((= opt 3);;if user picks to update drawing titles, still figuring this section out
);;end cond
);;end 1st progn
);;end 1st if
);;end defun