我有以下代码:(defun c:chrdim ()
(setq dl (list '("H" "hor") '("V" "vert") '("A" "aligned")))
(initget "h H v V a A")
(setq mode (strcase (getkword "Enter H, V or A for horiz, vert or aligned dimensions: ")))
(setq mode (cadr (assoc mode dl)))
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nSelect first point: "))
(while (eval 'p1)
(setq p2 (getpoint "\nSelect second point: "))
(setq p3 (getpoint "\nSelect dimension line location: "))
(setq ns (getint "\nNumber of spaces?: "))
(cond ((= mode "hor")
(setq d (distance p1 (list (car p2) (cadr p1))))
((= mode "vert")
(setq d (distance p1 (list (car p1) (cadr p2))))
(setq d (distance p1 p2))
(setq s (rtos (/ d ns) 4 3))
(cond ((> (- d (* ns (distof s 4))) 0.1)
(setq off "%%p")
((> (- (* ns (distof s)) d) 0.1)
(setq off "%%p")
(T (setq off ""))
(setq sdim (strcat (itoa ns) " EQ SP @ "
s off)
(command "dim" mode p1 p2 p3 sdim "e")
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nSelect first point, return to exit: "))
取两点,求差,除以提供的空间数,得出结果。例如,用户在屏幕上选择两个相距35’的点,它们指定10个相等的空间,结果尺寸放置在它们选择的点上,即“10 EQ SP@3'-6”+/-”。
它会提示输入所需的等间距,但如果它可以根据最大间距自动提供等间距,那就更好了。可以硬编码或提示最大值。通常最大值是42”。如果默认值为42”,并且能够在需要时更改它,那就太好了。相等空间的数量始终必须是偶数。我有点不知道从哪里开始。有人能给点指导吗? 嗯,花了一些时间在这上面,并找到了答案。有些地方可能很丑陋,但如果有人好奇的话:
(defun c:cdim ()
(setq dl (list '("H" "hor") '("V" "vert") '("A" "aligned")))
(initget "h H v V a A")
(setq mode (strcase (getkword "Enter H, V or A for horiz, vert or aligned dimensions: ")))
(setq mode (cadr (assoc mode dl)))
(setq spacing
((getint (strcat "\nEnter default spacing <" (itoa(setq spacing(cond ( spacing ) ( 42 ))))
">: "))
( spacing )
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nSelect first point: "))
(while (eval 'p1)
(setq p2 (getpoint "\nSelect second point: "))
(setq p3 (getpoint "\nSelect dimension line location: "))
(cond ((= mode "hor")
(setq d (distance p1 (list (car p2) (cadr p1))))
((= mode "vert")
(setq d (distance p1 (list (car p1) (cadr p2))))
(setq d (distance p1 p2))
(setq ns 2)
(while (>= (/ d ns) spacing)
(setq ns (1+ ns))
(setq ns (1+ ns))
(setq s (rtos (/ d ns) 4 3))
(cond ((> (- d (* ns (distof s 4))) 0.1)
(setq off "%%p")
((> (- (* ns (distof s)) d) 0.1)
(setq off "%%p")
(T (setq off ""))
(setq sdim (strcat (itoa ns) " EQ SP @ "
s off)
(command "dim" mode p1 p2 p3 sdim "e")
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nSelect first point, return to exit: "))