如何将图层颜色设置为truecolour?当我尝试使用cons 62时,我总是会出错。我试着创建一个新的变量,设置为truecolour,然后将cons 62设置为该值,但没有乐趣。以下是一些可能有用的信息
;;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Autodesk, Inc.
;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
;;; for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;; that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
;;; that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and
;;; restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting
;;; documentation.
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;; This file contains lisp utilities for dealing with true color in AutoCAD.
;; AutoCAD describes true color with 24 bit integer values where
;;- blue is the first byte
;;- green is the second and
;;- red is the third byte
;;(Careful... This is not exactly a RGB value. It is a BGR.)
;; Within the scope of this file, the term "TrueColor" refers to one of these 24 bit
;; values. The term "ColorIndex" will be used to refer to the traditional AutoCAD
;; colors that range from 0 through 256 (where 0 and 256 have the special meanings of
;; "ByBlock" and "ByLayer" respectively)
;; Entity lists and dxf group codes:
;; DXF
;;62- ColorIndex values are still represented with the 62 dxf group code (same as in
;; previous AutoCAD releases).
;;420 - TrueColor values are associated with the new 420 dxf group code.
;; For example: You might find (420 . 255) within the entity list of a blue entity.
;;430 - Contains a color book and color name description string. This is used only for
;; informational purposes. Actual entity color is governed by 62 and/or 420 group
;; codes.
;;Entity lists...
;; Entget:
;;No 62 pair present - If no 62 group code is present then the object's color is assumed to be
;; ByLayer. In other words; No behavior change from previous releases.
;; (The 420 and 430 pairs will not be present either)
;;62 only - Object's color is by ColorIndex (also refered to as ByACI)
;;62 and 420 - Object's color is TrueColor and is fully described by the 420 group code.
;; The 62 pair will contain the colorindex that most closely matches the true
;; color.
;;62, 420 and 430 - Object color was chosen from a color book. The 430 contains a textual description
;; of the form "'colorbook$colorname". The 420 pair describes the
;; corresponding truecolor and the 62 contains the closest matching color
;; index.
;; Entmod and Entmake:
;;The 420 group code takes precedence over the 62 group code. That is; entmake or entmod will
;;use the 420 group code if it is present and will ignore the 62 group code in the provided
;;entity list. If a 420 is _not_ present in the entity list, then the 62 group code will
;;be used. The 430 group code is for informational purposes only and does not have
;;any effect on displayed color.
;; Two new built in lisp functions:Acad_TrueColorDlg and Acad_TrueColorCli
;;Acad_TrueColorDlg is somewhat similar to the existing acad_colordlg function.
;; Signature:
;; (acad_truecolordlg color )
;; Where "color" is a dotted pair that describes the default color. The first element
;; of the dotted pair must be one of the color dxf group codes (62, 420, or 430).
;; For example:
;; (62 . ColorIndex)
;; (420 . TrueColor)
;; (430 . "colorbook$colorname")
;; If the optional parameter is present and non-nil, then the bylayer and
;; byblock buttons will be enabled. If this parameter is missing, the value defaults to
;; T and the bylayer/bylbock buttons will be enabled.
;; The optional parameter controls the color of the bylayer/byblock color
;; in the dialog. This parameter is also a dotted pair like the first color parameter.
;; Returns nil if the user canceled.
;; On success, the function returns a list of one or more dotted pairs that fully describe the
;; chosen color. The last dotted pair in this list indicates, specifically, the color that was
;; chosen. Additional details on the return list follow...
;; ColorBook color - If the last item in the returned list is a 430 pair, then the specified
;; color originates from a colorbook. (This returned list will also contain
;; a 420 pair that describes the corresponding truecolor and a 62 pair that
;; describes the closest matching colorindex value.)
;; True Color - If the returned list contains a 420 pair as the last item, then
;; a true color was specified (as "Red,Green,Blue"). The list will
;; also contain a 62 pair that indicates the closest matching colorindex.
;; (No 430 pair will be present)
;; Color Index - If the last item in the list is a 62 pair, then a colorindex was chosen.
;; (no other dotted pairs will be present in the returned list)
;; Examples of usage:
;; (acad_truecolordlg '(62 . 1))
;; (acad_truecolordlg '(420 . 2686760))
;; (acad_truecolordlg '(430 . "Color Book Sample File$Sample 0C"))
;; (acad_truecolordlg '(420 . 2686760) nil)
;;Acad_TrueColorCli is the command line counterpart to acad_truecolordlg. It prompts at the command line
;; for a color.
;; Signature:
;; (acad_truecolorcli color )
;; The first two parameters are identical to acad_truecolordlg, and the third parameter
;; is an optional prompt string. If this string is omited, the default value is "New color ".
;; Some examples of lists returned by acad_truecolordlg and acad_truecolorcli:
;; Color book color:((62 . 80) (420 . 2686760) (430 . "Color Book Sample File$Sample 0B"))
;; True color:((62 . 162) (420 . 2114527))
;; color index:((62 . 110))
;; Get the red component of a TrueColor number
(defun TrueColor-red-value ( c / )
(lsh (fix c) -16)
);defun TrueColor-red-value
;; Get the green component of a TrueColor number
(defun TrueColor-green-value ( c / r )
(lsh (lsh (fix c) 16) -24)
);defun TrueColor-green-value
;; Get the blue component of a TrueColor number
(defun TrueColor-blue-value ( c / )
(lsh (lsh (fix c) 24) -24)
);defun TrueColor-blue-value
;; TrueColor-split - takes a TrueColor number and returns a list of integers the form '(red green blue)
(defun TrueColor-split ( c / )
(list (lsh (fix c) -16)
(lsh (lsh (fix c) 16) -24)
(lsh (lsh (fix c) 24) -24)
);defun TrueColor-split
;; TrueColor-make - takes TrueColor components (red green blue) and creates a single TrueColor integer
(defun TrueColor-make ( r g b /)
(+ (lsh (fix r) 16)
(lsh (fix g)
(fix b)
);defun TrueColor-make
;; TrueColor-to-ColorIndex - takes a TrueColor value and returns the closest AutoCAD color index (1-255)
;; NOTE: This is an approximation. The return color index is the AutoCAD color index that most
;; closely matches the provided TrueColor.
(defun TrueColor-to-ColorIndex ( TrueColor / colorObj ci )
(and (setq colorObj (vla-getinterfaceobject (vlax-get-acad-object) "AutoCAD.AcCmColor.16"))
(not (vl-catch-all-error-p
(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-setRGB (cons colorObj (TrueColor-split TrueColor)))
(setq ci (vla-get-ColorIndex colorObj))
);defun TrueColor-to-ColorIndex
;; ColorIndex-to-TrueColor - takes an AutoCAD color index (1 through 255) and returns the equivalent
;; TrueColor value.
(defun ColorIndex-to-TrueColor ( ci / colorObj TrueColor )
(and (setq colorObj (vla-getinterfaceobject (vlax-get-acad-object) "AutoCAD.AcCmColor.16"))
(>= ci 1)
(<= ci 255)
(not (vl-catch-all-error-p
(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-ColorIndex (list colorObj ci))
(setq TrueColor (TrueColor-make
(vla-get-red colorObj)
(vla-get-green colorObj)
);defun ColorIndex-to-TrueColor
;; colorname-to-truecolor - converts a string of the form "colorbook$colorname" to a TrueColor value.
(defun colorname-to-truecolor ( colorbookandname / pos colorbook colorname colorObj TrueColor )
(and (equal (type colorbookandname) 'STR)
(setq pos (vl-string-search "$" colorbookandname))
(setq colorbook (substr colorbookandname 1 pos)
colorname (substr colorbookandname (+ pos 2))
(setq colorObj (vla-getinterfaceobject (vlax-get-acad-object) "AutoCAD.AcCmColor.16"))
(not (vl-catch-all-error-p
(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-SetColorBookColor (list colorObj colorbook colorname))
(setq TrueColor (TrueColor-make
(vla-get-red colorObj)
(vla-get-green colorObj)
);defun colorname-to-truecolor
;; TrueColor-to-RGBstring - Takes a TrueColor (24 bit value) and returns a string of the
;; form: "Red,Green,Blue"
(defun TrueColor-to-RGBstring ( TrueColor / rgb )
(and truecolor
(setq rgb (mapcar 'itoa (truecolor-split truecolor)))
(setq rgb (strcat (car rgb) "," (cadr rgb) "," (caddr rgb)))
);defun TrueColor-to-RGBstring
;; ssget-ColorIndex-filter -
;; Takes an AutoCAD color index(0 through 256) and
;; returns a dxf group code list that can be used with (ssget ...) to
;; select all objects that "exactly" match the specified AutoCAD ColorIndex.
;; This allows you to filter for objects that are of a specific AutoCAD
;; ColorIndex (0-256) but are not assigned a true-color value.
;; For example:
;;The following will return a selection set that contains "red" objects
;;_and_ objects that are assigned a true color that is merely "close" to red.
;; (setq ss (ssget "_x" '((62 . 1))))
;; If you do not want true-color objects and only want to select objects that are
;; explicitly set to color number 1 ("red") then you can use the following code.
;; This will return a selection set of all non-true-color entities that are color 1.
;; (setq ss (ssget "_x" (ssget-ColorIndex-filter 1)))
(defun ssget-ColorIndex-filter ( ColorIndex / )
(list (cons 62 ColorIndex) '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "*") '(420 . 0) '(-4 . "NOT>"))
;; entlist-set-ColorIndex
;; Takes an entity list and an AutoCAD ColorIndex (0 through 256)
;; Returns the entity list with the specified color setting applied.
;; This returned list can then be used with (entmake ...) or (entmod ...).
;; NOTE: This function does _not_ call entnake or entmod. It only manipulates
;; the provided list and returns the resulting list.
;; Backround:
;;If a 420 group code pair (true color) is present in an entity list, entmake and entmod
;; will ignore the 62 group code (AutoCAD ColorIndex). In order to set a color index
;; using entmod or entmake, the provided list must not contain a 420 group code.
;;This function allows you to apply a specific AutoCAD ColorIndex value to an entity list
;; by removing the 420 group code (if present) and inserting the specified ColorIndex with
;; a 62 group code pair.
;; (provide a ColorIndex of 0 for ByBlock and 256 for ByLayer)
(defun entlist-set-ColorIndex ( entlist ColorIndex / ci )
(setq entlist (vl-remove (assoc 420 entlist) entlist))
(if (setq ci (assoc 62 entlist))
(setq entlist (subst (cons 62 ColorIndex) ci entlist))
(setq entlist (append entlist (list (cons 62 ColorIndex))))
);defun entlist-set-ColorIndex
但图层颜色最终为147100196。有人有什么想法吗? 这不可能是正确的Woodman,因为127100100大于TrueColour最大值16777215(=255x65536+255x256+255)
(cons 0 "LAYER")
(cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")
(cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord")
(cons 2 b)
(cons 6 a)
(cons 62 1)
(cons 420 127100100)
(cons 70 0)
(cons 370 lw))))
以获得正确的颜色代码。 首先,你可以像李·麦克说的那样得到真彩色数字。
(defun TrueColor-make ( r g b /)
(+ (lsh (fix r) 16)
(lsh (fix g)
(fix b)