; Northing & Easting labeling
; Ryan Anderson December 2013
; The Label will use the current Text Style and current Units Settings
; This Lisp borrows ideas from the tutorials I have been working through.
; http://www.afralisp.net/ http://lee-mac.com/ http://www.cadtutor.net/ http://www.cad-notes.com/
(defun c:gln (/ p x y TxtPos)
(command "_.MSPACE")
(setq p (getpoint "Select a Northing Gridline:"))
(command "_.PSPACE")
(setq TxtPos (getpoint "Pick Label Location: "))
(setq y (rtos (cadr p)))
(setq y (strcat "N " y))
(command "_TEXT" TxtPos "0" y "") ; I would prefer to use MText with a backbround mask and an offset
(defun c:gle (/ p x y TxtPos)
(command "_.MSPACE")
(setq p (getpoint "
Select an Easting Gridline:"))
(command "_.PSPACE")
(setq TxtPos (getpoint "
Pick Label Location: "))
(setq x (rtos (car p)))
(setq x (strcat "E " x))
(command "_TEXT" TxtPos "90" x "") ; I would prefer to use MText with a backbround mask and an offset
(princ "Use GLN for Northings, and GLE for Eastings") ;Could both Northings and Eastings be done from one command?
安迪。 好的,我已经找到了一些解决方法。我用了李的测试程序
(defun c:test (/ ent)
(if (setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect MTEXT: ")))
(foreach x (entget ent)
(print x)))
; Northing & Easting labeling with MText
; Ryan Anderson December 2013
; This Lisp borrows ideas from the tutorials I have been working through.
; http://www.afralisp.net/ http://lee-mac.com/ http://www.cadtutor.net/ http://www.cad-notes.com/
(defun c:gln (/ p x y TxtPos)
(command "_.MSPACE")
(setq p (getpoint "Select a Northing Gridline: "))
(command "_.PSPACE")
(setq TxtPos (getpoint "Pick Label Location: "))
(setq y (rtos (cadr p)))
(setq y (strcat "N " y))
(cons 0 "MTEXT")
(cons 5 "549c")
(cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
(cons 67 1)
(cons 410 "Layout1") ;Model space or layout tab to place MText on
(cons 8 "TXT-GEN") ;Layer
(cons 100 "AcDbMText")
(cons 10 TxtPos) ;Location of text
(cons 40 5.0) ;Font Height
; (cons 41 50) ;length of MText Field, if unspecified it will grow or shrink with the input length
(cons 46 0.0)
(cons 71 7) ;Text Justification inside MText (1 is top left 7 is bottom left)
(cons 72 5)
(cons 1 y) ;Text Writen in MText Field
(cons 7 "Text-03") ;Text Style
(cons 210 '(0.0 0.0 1.0))
(cons 11 '(1.0 0.0 0.0))
(cons 43 5)
(cons 50 0.0) ;Rotation of Text for North Coordinate labels
(cons 73 1)
(cons 44 1.0)
(cons 90 3) ;Mask color 3 is "use drawing background color"
(cons 63 256) ;Turns on background Mask
(cons 45 1.5) ;Border offset Factor of Background Mask
(cons 441 0) ;Something to do with background Mask
(command "_.MSPACE")
(defun c:gle (/ p x y TxtPos)
(command "_.MSPACE")
(setq p (getpoint "Select an Easting Gridline: "))
(command "_.PSPACE")
(setq TxtPos (getpoint "Pick Label Location: "))
(setq x (rtos (car p)))
(setq x (strcat "E " x))
(cons 0 "MTEXT")
(cons 5 "549c")
(cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
(cons 67 1)
(cons 410 "Layout1") ;Model space or layout tab to place MText on
(cons 8 "TXT-GEN") ;Layer
(cons 100 "AcDbMText")
(cons 10 TxtPos) ;Location of text
(cons 40 5.0) ;Font Height
; (cons 41 50) ;length of MText Field, if unspecified it will grow or shrink with the input length
(cons 46 0.0)
(cons 71 7) ;Text Justification inside MText (1 is top left 7 is bottom left)
(cons 72 5)
(cons 1 x) ;Text Writen in MText Field
(cons 7 "Text-03") ;Text Style
(cons 210 '(0.0 0.0 1.0))
(cons 11 '(1.0 0.0 0.0))
(cons 43 5)
(cons 50 1.5708) ;Rotation of Text for East Coordinate labels
(cons 73 1)
(cons 44 1.0)
(cons 90 3) ;Mask color 3 is "use drawing background color"
(cons 63 256) ;Turns on background Mask
(cons 45 1.5) ;Border offset Factor of Background Mask
(cons 441 0) ;Something to do with background Mask
(command "_.MSPACE")
(princ "Use GLN for Northings, and GLE for Eastings") ;Could both Northings and Eastings be done from one command?
(vl-load-com);Load Visual Lisp Extensions
(setq *acad* (vlax-get-acad-object));Get the ACAD Object
(setq *ad* (vla-get-ActiveDocument *acad*));Get the Active Document
(vlax-put-property *ad* 'ActiveSpace 1);For ModelSpace
(vlax-put-property *ad* 'ActiveSpace 0);For Paperspace
(vlax-release-object *acad*);release object when done using it
(vlax-release-object *ad*);release object when done using it
我甚至建议使用这些对象来创建多行文字。 谢谢你的回复。
-类似于“E 1500.000”或“N 2400.000”
感谢您提供有关Visual Lisp扩展的代码。
安迪。 也许试试这个?我希望这有助于理解VLA对象。
(vl-load-com);Load Visual Lisp Extensions
(defun c:glne ()
(setq *acad* (vlax-get-acad-object));Get the acad object
(setq *ad* (vlax-get-property *acad* 'ActiveDocument));Get the Active Document
(setq *PS* (vlax-get-property *ad* 'PaperSpace));Get the Active Paper Space
(vlax-put-property *ad* 'ActiveSpace 1);Go to Model Space
(setq pnt (getpoint "\Select Point on Grid: "));Prompt User to Select Point:
(if pnt
(progn ;If Point Exists
(vlax-put-property *ad* 'ActiveSpace 0);Go to Paper Space
(setq x (car pnt));Get the X value of Point
(setq y (cadr pnt));Get the Y Value of Point
(initget 1 "Northing Easting");Initialize getkword
(setq ret (getkword "Label Northing or Easting?"));Ask user if they are labeling Northing or Easting
((= ret "Northing")(setq str (strcat "N:" (rtos y 2 2)) rot 0))
((= ret "Easting")(setq str (strcat "E:" (rtos x 2 2)) rot (/ pi 2.0))));Format the string accordingly and Set the Roation
(setq txtpos (getpoint "\nSelect Label Position:"));Prompt User for Label Position
(if txtpos
(progn ;If Point Exists
(setq MTEXT-OBJECT (vlax-invoke-method *PS* 'AddMText (vlax-3d-point txtpos) 1 str));Create the MTEXT Object
(vlax-put-property MTEXT-OBJECT 'Layer "TXT-GEN");Set the layer for the MText
(vlax-put-property MTEXT-OBJECT 'Height 0.12);Set the Text Height
(vlax-put-property MTEXT-OBJECT 'BackgroundFill :vlax-true);Set the BackgroundFill to true
(vlax-put-property MTEXT-OBJECT 'AttachmentPoint acAttachmentPointBottomLeft);Set the Jusstification
(vlax-put-property MTEXT-OBJECT 'InsertionPoint (vlax-3d-Point txtpos));Reset the InsertionPoint
(vlax-put-property MTEXT-OBJECT 'Rotation rot);Set the rotation
(vlax-release-object *acad*)
(vlax-release-object *ad*)
(vlax-release-object *PS*)
(vlax-release-object MTEXT-OBJECT)
;Not sure if its necessary to release every object or just *acad*
;either way... it doesn't hurt to just release it
);end progn
;if Point doesn't exist
);end if
);end progn
;if Point doesn't exist
);end if
);end defun
(defun c:dmpobj ()
(vlax-dump-object (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nSelect Object:"))) T)
(command "TextScr")
) 几点建议
; use POLAR to work out a new insert pt for the text
(setq txtpos (polar (polar P 5.0 0.0) -5.0 1.5707963)
(setq y (rtos (cadr p)))
(setq y (rtos (cadr p) 2 0)) ; this is integer
(setq y (rtos (cadr p)1 1)) ; this is 1 decimal place